Blender 2.5 video: Foot & Leg Rig: IK/FK, foot roll, etc

Hello All!

I made a foot rig in Blender 2.5. It has IK and FK controls and a control to blend between them. It has foot roll and tumble controls (done with action constraints see below for possible bug). It uses what I think is called a reverse IK system for the foot roll and a relatively simple hierarchy for the tumble mechanism.

Here’s the rig: new_foot_03.00_2.5_02.2_vid.blend

Here’s the build of Blender 2.5 I used: Graphicall Blender 2.5 revision 24182

Here’s a video of me giving an overview of how to use the rig: Youtube video


The great thing that 2.5 let me do was to control the influence of a constraint on a bone using another bone in the same armature. I used that on the copy rotation constraints that blend the deforming bones from the FK to the IK controls. It’s much more efficient than having a separate control armature to contain the drivers and stuff. (That’s what I did with a prototype in Blender 2.49).

Possible Bug in Blender 2.5:
It uses action constraints but there seemed to be a bug with them in 2.5 where you can only set the space that the constrained bone is evaluated in, not the space that the driving (aka target) bone is evaluated in. This leaves the driver being evaluated in world space which is crappy when you want to move your rig around without all the drivers being triggered. But if you create the action constraints in Blender 2.49 and set them to evaluate the target in local space, then save the file and open it in 2.5, the constraints seem to be left how they should be and you can carry on to take advantage of 2.5’s new functionality. I was thinking of putting it on the bug list but wanted to see if anyone had anything to say about it first. Maybe I just misunderstood how it’s supposed to work in 2.5.

Comments and criticism are welcome. What do you think of the rig? Are there any amendments you’d make? Is it the kind of rig you might use if it was completed? Thanks for taking a look!


new_foot_03.00_2.5_02.2_vid.blend (278 KB)

heya, I updated the foot rig with bendy bones and a kick animation. Here’s the video:

YouTube vid here

YouTube of larger improved animation here


Also I’m having difficulty trying to drive the ease in and out values on bendy bones in blender 2.5. Does anyone know why it might not be working?

Blend file below. The anim in the blend file is better (more floppy and looping) than the one in the video.


new_foot_03.00_2.5_02.3_bendy_01.2_vid2_anim1_vid2_cycle.blend (355 KB)new_foot_2.5_cycle3.blend (360 KB)