blender 2.54 vertice selection problem

Ok i would like to know if this is a bug from blender 2.54 or is a setting problem, when i try to select a vertice from a mesh using © key i tends to select the vertice i am selecting plus other vertices that have nothing to do with what i am selecting and i have limit selection to visible off what can be causing this is it a bug or what thanks

guys i need help figuring out why my vertice select does not work properly selecting vertices i have 64 bit version of blender 2.54 running in windows 7 i try using factory setings with no result i ask IRC no answer has any body had this problem i have limit selection to visible off why those it chose other vertices besides the one i want to chose

The same thing has been reported before.
Do the usual thing, download a recent build from to see if the bug has been fixed or try a Win 32bit version of blender.
Are your graphics drivers up to date.

Richard thanks a million for your reply i just dowloaded the latest build trunk r32529 WIN32 and still have the problem my card drivers seens to be up to date i guess that a big bug in 2.54 especially for modeling and if you have to edit multiple vertices i wonder how the team have no fix this problem as of yet, anyway thanks i guess i will stay away from 2.54 until is more stable

I have the same problem. It makes using 2.54 for anything other than simple projects very difficult. I have found that switching the mode from shaded to wireframe helps. Also, disabling the ‘select front fave only’ (can’t remember the real name for it) option helps.


There are no problems on my end here, and haven’t been since I have been in the 2.5x development series on either of my three systems. Maybe it is platform specific?

Another note is that no software is technically stable, I think stability is a question of how long one can work without a major hiccup. There hasn’t been any software that I have used that I haven’t been able to crash or had to find a work around for a problem, and that goes for commercial apps that have been on the market for decades as well. In reality, Blender is the most stable beta I have used and was the most stable alpha hands down, since the last alpha software I tested crashed practically every time you looked at it. After restarting the thing 15 times in 5 minutes, I gave up. Now in beta, I can crash that particular software once every 15 minutes. Blender is a Godsend in the area of a stable beta.

I have this also suddenly - tried different builds from graphicall / all have the same problem. Did you resolve the problem ?

Individually selected faces/vertices and there are no problems. From the moment I use border/circle select I get faces/vertices selected at parts totally not selected. And yes “limit selection to visible” is correctly set.

EDIT: in Wireframe mode everything works correctly / changing to solid and it is borked :-/

I’m trying to “emulate” the bug you are experiencing (to see if I can find a fix and share the solution with you) but as hard as I tried, my C in Edit Mode (increasing and decreasing thickness) still selects what I want to select, even if I SubDiv to create a more complex mesh with more vertices and such (adding modifiers for more complexity). Agreed, I’m using W7 32bits - perhaps it is a 64bit only issue?

Sorry if I can’t be of any help.

I’ve tried a 32bit version but it is still the same problem. One thing I have seen now is when I set “limit selection to visible” off it works perfectly even if in “solid” mode.

I have the feeling it has less to do with the solid/wireframe but more with “limit selection to visible”

I also deleted all my preferences but that didn’t help.

Are you a dev MerovingianBee ? I could fill in a bug report

Ubuntu 64 bits build 35538 here and there is not bug. Working perfect here.
Could you post a scene and say step by step what we must do.
For example: Open the file, select the object and enter edit mode, C for circle select and select the top three loops of the object and look look I have this and this instead of that and that. Sorta of step by step instructions to replicate the problem.

Open Blender
Delete default cube
Shift + A Add an UV sphere
Go to side view
Press C
Select first three loops and you have parts selected that isn’t within the C brush ratio

You can even replace the Circle Select with a border select and select the first three loops to have the same effect

  • Tested with the Blender version available from
  • Tested with Blender version r35535
  • Tested with Blender version r35151

Updated videocard drivers
Deleted Blender preferences under xx\Roaming\Blender foundation\

It doesn’t happen when “Limit selection to visible is off” or in wireframe (but I think this is because “Limit selection to visible off” is standard) mode

Latest 2.49 version from the Blender website doesn’t have these problems.

I did that and no problem here. What I select I have selected. I tried with “limit selection to visible” on and off and no problem. Blender works perfectly on this in Ubuntu 64 bits that I am using.

Well, just turn OFF antialiasing in you videocard driver setup… or at least put it to Application Controlled.

It worked for me.