Blender 2.65a :)

+1 for bevel tool!

don’t forget to make sure you have the segments set to an even number though.

so i try to download 2.65 - i get this message : “The requested URL / was not found on this server.”
So I install 3dxwaremacSE-v10_0_4.dmg & it still will not let me download it - i get the same message - please help what to do now ? works here

why “So I install 3dxwaremacSE-v10_0_4.dmg”

But, I tried your’s Bashi. As always LOL
As I tried your new hair-branch.
What about a dyntopo fresh OSX build? There isn’t any.
Many many thank you.

your welcome. you got a link to dyntopo? (will search for it later) Will build dyntopo for you ;-)EDIT: found it. Check Graphicall in 1-2 h. (if it works :wink:

Thank YOU!!!

Knife has been working nicely for me since blender 2.63

Couple new tidbits: there is an option in the render settings for Copy render Settings that allows you to pick and choose what elements from current scene render properties to copy into other scenes, there is a Persistent Images option for keeping data in Cycles available for rerender ( not tested this yet, I need to)

And the bevel is divine, works like a charm on selected edges, and I love how it remembers my last preference like everything else so it is easy to be consistent across my object.

How come in this build I can’t use GPU Cycles (says I need CUDA 1.3 but can only find 1.1) but in a graphicall build it works? Can’t that functionality be implemented in the main trunk?

Do you mean the option of Copy Settings when you add a new Scene? Or am I missing something.

And I can’t find the second option neither…

You may need to set the feature set to ‘Experimental’?

What Os, which build?

Anyone has a problem with 2.65 win64 where when You create a primitive, say an icosphere, You don’t get the options for it?

It works here when I start a new scene, but after a while working on a scene these options just wont show up if I create a new primitive. Am I doing something wrong here?

Thanks for any help!

Have you tried pressing F6 to bring up the options for it? I’m thinking maybe Blender is remembering your last settings and using those.

Thanks for your reply!

Yeah, I can open up the dialogue with F6, but it’s a bit frustrating as I need to close the dialogue then press F6 again to refresh every time I change window.

How do you render smoke and fire etc. in the new version? any tutorials out there?

For all Compositors:
Brecht added presets for Film Response Curves for the the RGB Curves node!
It is an addon(look into preferences/addon/compositing)! Select a RGB Curves node and on the toolshelf of the node compositor you find the presets!
I asked so much for this!
Thanx Brecht!

Never mind, the menu was hidden for some reason, just add to click on the small + at the bottom, thanks again for your help Craig!

this is the exact problem im having. cant get anything to show up in thye preferences_addons window. tried copying and pasting like before, when contrib’s didnt show up. nothing. everything is in the folder where its supposed to be, but dosent show up in the program. holy shit. i am so happy that its not just me. now i can go back to my last version and wait peasefully for it to be fixed. ive been beating my head against the wall. when you want something you want it now.never been so happy to see an error report :)))))))) whew

do i have to remove all versions of blender or just 2.65. i have quite a few older one’s