Blender 2.65a :)

In 2.65 RC2 compilation fails with
12-12-06 10:02:11.465 PM [0x0-0x21f21f].org.blenderfoundation.blender: ptxas(4650) malloc: *** mmap(size=266240) failed (error code=12)

Looks like compiler runs out of memory, which didn’t happen before…

Are you using CUDA toolkit 4.2? Other versions may not work.

I’m using CUDA toolkit 5, which has worked with 2.64

Ok, well you need 4.2. We haven’t had enough time to workaround issues with 5.0.

The ‘Record’ icon that pops up into the top right corner of the 3D view when auto-keying is on is cool… it would be better if the entire border of the 3D viewport turned bright red though, a little more in-your-face reminder.

this was in the beginning. But quickly removed, because it was just too strong. I quite like it now.

CUDA 4.2 has the same issue

Blender does a few things which are not so common in OpenGL (aka most games),

  • Multiple windows that share the same OpenGL context, used to crash some intel cards (still does?)
  • disable/enable GL_MULTISAMPLE, this doesn’t work on some cards - though should just break selection, not hang.

I’m still having problems to bake fluid simulations with “speed” property animated… it’s giving very bad results…
I’m in need to build a slow-mo scene with fluids but I need to animate the slow-mo but I can’t…
Can someone help submitting this bug? I never submit and don’t know how…

Site for Reporting Bugs:

Log in with you account.
After Login you should see Repot Bug, right under Tracker.

2.65 is almost ready! Latest commits from Sergey, including new splash from Jordan Schur. Congratulations, one of my favorites from the gallery:

Thank you, Bashi.
Bug reported.

Can’t seem to find a quick answer to this one:
Cycles doesn’t appear as a render option. Is there something I am missing? Something to set in user preferences? Using GeForce driver 306.97…

Look at the top of the 3D View where it says, “Blender Render.” It’s a drop-down; select Cycles there.

Rontarrant- absolutely. First thing I did. I’ve downloaded a graphicall build by tungerz like I normally do, as well as the official build. But cycles simply does not appear as a renderer. Weird. Python issue?

Getting an ImportError: cannot import name new_module in the System Console window…

found bundled python: C:\Users\samschad\Downloads\8904_win7.x64-52860(1)\Win7.x6
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\samschad\Downloads\8904_win7.x64-52860(1)\Win7.x64-52860\2.65\s
cripts\modules\”, line 76, in <module>
File “C:\Users\samschad\Downloads\8904_win7.x64-52860(1)\Win7.x64-52860\2.65\s
cripts\modules\”, line 73, in main
File “C:\Users\samschad\Downloads\8904_win7.x64-52860(1)\Win7.x64-52860\2.65\s
cripts\modules\bpy\”, line 235, in load_scripts
File “C:\Users\samschad\Downloads\8904_win7.x64-52860(1)\Win7.x64-52860\2.65\s
cripts\modules\”, line 347, in reset_all
import imp
File “C:\Users\samschad\Downloads\8904_win7.x64-52860(1)\Win7.x64-52860\2.65\p
ython\lib\”, line 15, in <module>
from importlib._bootstrap import new_module
ImportError: cannot import name new_module

I just downloaded from the site :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah, me too. Hm.

@samiboy, once in a while we get stramge reports that python is randomly failing (often for windows users for some reason).

  • make sure you dont heve PYTHONPATH set in your environment variables
  • try using a less cryptic path “c:\blender” for eg.
  • fully remove blender and re-install

new_module is defined in Python code, its unlikely a blender bug:
./Lib/importlib/, mine has new_module reference, line 154

Wowwwwwzahhhhhhzzz!!! The new Bevel (in just released 2.65) - with “Segments 2” looks to be just what I’ve been pleading for since 2008! At last - Awesome work devs! I’m so unbelievably happy that you’ve finally gotten around to fixing this area!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :smiley:

Right you are. I have been the victim of strange Python behaviour on this particular Win 7 box before. Last time I had to set up the PYTHONPATH variable. This time deleting it fixed my problem!

Thanks! Now to play!