Three files. Two with other than default fonts.
One downloaded from the web (Revolution).
One pulled from Windows (Impact).
The other using Blender’s Default font.
All three files (fonts) used same settings.
Convert Mesh to Curve (Alt-C)
Apply: Location / Rotation / Scale
a 90 degree bend using Modifiers / Simple Deform.
The Blender Objects have artifacts.
The other is just a font converted to 3DS
from the program “Swift3D” from Erain.
To be fair, I converted the Blender font
to 3DS as well to see if that made a difference.
The Blender font tests both gave me artifacts.
Even when using the default font.
The Swift3D 3DS objects didn’t.
I don’t know enough to say this is a bug as
much as an anomaly.
freestyle (zip) is all my test files (fonts not included). (951 KB)