Blender 2.73 Not working as it should

I have a quiet new computer, and all the previous blender versions worked just fine, but on this update I spotted some annoying bugs, or whatever it is.
1: I can’t go to wireframe mode cause Blender crashes, even tho the scene isn’t that big. ( I tried to open the same scene in 2.72 and no problem there).
2: When I add a new object and want to change the ammount of faces for example, I usually would press T and open the left side bar. But now I can’t, cause it looks like this(Check image) and just don’t respond to what I press.
3: I can no long drag and drop image textures to the node editor, once again works in 2.72

pls help, cause Blender 2.73 has great new features which I can’t use because I have to use 2.72 which works as it should.

1: I can’t go to wireframe mode cause Blender crashes, even tho the scene isn’t that big. ( I tried to open the same scene in 2.72 and no problem there).
If you think it’s a bug report it via the blender Help menu

2: When I add a new object and want to change the ammount of faces for example, I usually would press T and open the left side bar. But now I can’t, cause it looks like this(Check image) and just don’t respond to what I press

File / User Preferences / Editing. Ensure you have ‘Global Undo’ enabled

Ok thx :cool:

In past releases strange symptoms like this (especially greyed out or missing features) have turned out to be to userpref.blend and/or startup.blend from the previous release being used.

These files are by default found in the OS’s user folders.

Windows C:/Users/$user/AppData/Roaming/Blender Foundation/Blender/2.73/config
Linux /home/$user/.config/.blender/2.73/
OSX /Users/$user/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.73/config/

If you told Blender to load your startup and userprefs when you first opened 2.73 then backup/delete or rename those files in the config folder and Blender will start with factory default UI and preferences. If the problem goes away the culprit is either userprefs.blend (maybe the file itself or an enabled addon) or startup.blend (IIRC it was the culprit once). Replace with your backups to find out which one.

This just a guess. Your symptoms are very similiar.