Blender 2.8 development thread

some things are actually similar (tabs, for example). Anyway, 2.8 is developing at a furious pace. maybe they could integrate his idea while in the code quest

Right, and it was built using the early template system stuff 2.79 has atm. It shows how customizable the current layout engine is and gives us a glimpse of what can be done with the n-panel if it were enhanced a little.

Loving playing about with 2.8, especially now the armature modifier is all up and running.

I had some .fbx files from a game I was involved in the development of and although I couldn’t import them directly in 2.8, I was pleasantly surprised to find I could import them into 2.79, and ctrl+c and then switch to my 2.8 window and ctrl+v to paste.

Will we have “/” numpad key available for asylated/separated view (View global/local) in 2.8? I think we talked about it before here, but I do not remember if developers mentioned anything about it.


I hope they fix the camera reset “jump” that you get every time you switch form isolate view to show all too.


I do not see how this is a problem…it really does not cost anything more in terms of processing power…and it is optional…you seem to complain about everything they do whether it is optional or not :grin:

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Clutter, simply. Easier interface navigation without a lot of duplication.

@YAFU yes they mentioned it a few times, I think they want to make a new logic out of this, something that replaces advantageously the hide/unhide buttons.

@zeauro : ok I get it thanks !

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Will the Mesh/ Sub-object Transform(xyz Coordinates) be exposed/ accessible? AFAIK in 2.79 it’s hardcoded.

I think we need many new editor types. And before you say “Nooooo!, don’t make things more complicated” I’ll start by saying this will not do that. The vast majority of users would continue to use the existing editors for the vast majority of the time. But I think there is some utility in adding optional (rarely-used) editors just for unusual situations and niche users.

The first I would make is an “empty” editor. A placeholder for empty space, containing nothing but a menu button for changing the editor type to something else. Most of the time this would be never used, but would have great value for area merging. Right now we can only merge two areas if they share an edge that is the same length. So you cannot directly merge your 3D editor to the left or right if whatever is there is longer or shorter. With an “empty” editor you could allow any type of merging because you can fill any leftover space with it.

Other types of editors could be highly task-specific. Imagine that you have so many materials defined in your project that the list in Properties/Material is getting hard to manage. Add an area that contains nothing but a “Material List”. That list is just one long scrolling list of material names and previews. You can have lots of sorting options and even filtering, so you can show only the materials that use the Hair shader, for example. Clicking on a row would do nothing more than just select that material in the list in Properties/Material. But then you could choose to make an entire column of your workspace a list of materials, another column for Properties, and another for the node editor.

Do a similar thing for “Textures List” and you’d have a list of thumbnails that you can then drag onto objects, materials, and nodes. You might even want to add seemingly silly things like an “Add Mesh” area for “Blender 101”-type workspaces.

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I understand the clutter, but I do not think any of us here do not customize our layout anyway…to the new user there may be a lot of cruft…aside from that idc if they add a million things…so long as I can disable what I do not want to see.

Finally motion path is back! so from here we can work fully on animations

My god, poor devs on :confused: Peoples insainly pushing so much stuff without minding how hard it to bring blender to new stage.




If some of the users on that forum get too far into the signal to noise ratio (in favor of noise), they can always get temp-banned by the BF. People might cry ‘censorship’ if that happened, but that site is first and foremost for contributors (ie. core and volunteer developers) and is meant to be used to help facilitate better and faster development (so I could see the rules being a bit more strict there).

It was stupid of ‘you-know-who’ to mention the site in the first place.
Either way, sooner or later dev. have to deal with such situations for not thinking it through in the first place.

“Be careful what you wish for, because it can come true.”

All of this was hyped for a long time… now it’s here. So simply say “Welcome!” to experience and stay calm. :wink:

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The more I use the new single column properties layout, the less I like it :frowning:
Property settings now feel like they are just randomly thrown in there without any logical alignment and cleanup. Autogenerated UI layout just doesn’t work here. It looks messier, it’s more confusing, less readable and takes more scrolling on top of that.

This is a first thing since the start of code quest which I am certain is a step back, instead of step forward. Someone has put a great amount of effort into implementing good horizontal UI scalability code, and all this effort gets negated by a layout which is messy and takes very little advantage of it :confused:

It’s year 2018 and these days, FullHD resolutions are standard. It really makes no sense to waste entire row on just one UI element.


That’s why they added this.


I’m fairly certain that if the devs. decided to hide their forum away from everyone except contributors and “approved” artists, the BF would get excoriated by some here for not being transparent. It is up to the users here as to whether they want to force the BF into a no-win situation (such as mod action = censorship and the site being available = free to spam with complaints and feature requests). :wink:

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Can’t they filter and bury threads from non-contributors automatically?

It’s for everyone but people think they can directly ask features and help to the devs.

If you think about it, it’s an official forum, they could add some parts for people and keep other part for them.
With filter, tags etc, devs can see only the important things.

But for now it’s just for development and it’s a test, if it’s too noisy, they will remove it.