Is there any way to show the diffuse, or base color, under a transparent texture? Because when ever i try to add a transparent texture, it makes the whole object transparent except for the texture that i put on it, and won’t show anything under it, and i want it to show the base color under the texture.
Instead of a mix shader, use a mix color.
Plug that into Base Color on the Principled.
Texture’s alpha output into the mix Fac as you have it.
Color1 of the mix is whatever the base color of the car is.
Texture’s Color output goes into Color2 of the mix.
When using a texture’s alpha channel as a mix factor, it’s best to not think if it as actual transparency in the same sense you would in a paint program’s layers. Blender is just seeing a black and white texture. Plug the texture’s alpha output into the Base color to see what I mean.