I started the implementation of a new addon for Blender 2.8 to display mouse and keyboard input in the 3D View.
Very good. Thank you. You will add the mouse buttons?
Yes of course, it’s already pre-implemented, but I can’t add it before the drawing API is available
Looks nice so far Jayanam !
“VUr” gives me the creeps though…
One mayor feature that screencast was missing was the ability to test against the default keymap, imho.
(or any keymap). Many tutors/lecturers have custom keymaps, so it would be very nice if the addon could check against the default one just so the newbies could follow along.
Q => Scale [my keymap] => Scale [default keymap] => S
Ah good point, thank you for the input.
This is nice. I found that the other screencast is unstable for my use with custom setup. This one works flawlessly. I think that the add-on would benefit from 1-2 second fade away for inputs and ability to click and drag the display location.
Please don’t forget to leave a download link in your first post to get the current version of your AddOn.
This is added already in the latest version.
In which one is no download link?
This is added already in the latest version.
The first post of this thread here in the forums has no download link, just the video. I know there is a link in the YouTube desription, but not here in the forum post.
I don’t find it. I use the version that is found here: https://github.com/jayanam/shortcut_VUr
In version is no custom position option.
The current version from github doesnt even show the actions name.
So how can it even remotely test against custom keymaps?
Or am I using the wrong version / doing something wrong ?
Here is the latest one with heads up display attached to the mouse cursor: