Does anyone have experience with successfully exporting transparent materials from Blender 2.8?
I’ve read on various forums that this should be possible however, I’ve tried several different material configurations in Eevee and have had no luck yet.
You’ll want a Principled BSDF material using an alpha channel and either the “Alpha Blend” or “Alpha Clip” blending mode enabled. That exports correctly for me in a recent Blender 2.8 beta:
The opacity shown in the Blender viewport seems to be independent of the alpha value, but the alpha value will be exported correctly. I’m not sure if that’s a bug in the 2.8 beta or something else. Per, this is a current limitation in Blender.
I’ve used just the Principled BSDF and Material Output nodes and can’t understand why this won’t work. The transparency appears in Additive Blend Mode but not in Blend or Clip.
In that case I’m thinking it has to be that my export settings are incorrect or my version of Blender is causing the issue. I’m on version 2.80 2018-11-30.
I’ve tried various export settings for both .gltf and .glb. I’ve attached the latest unsuccessful attempts. Ideally I’d like to export as .glb.
I’m still experiencing this issue.
I have used current stable 2.83 and also 2.90 alpha to export gltf and glb… I’ve tried all the suggested material setups but I still can’t seem to achieve any transparency. I’m using this site to preview my models before uploading to an AR test site:
You’ll likely need to share more details to get help — can you share a .blend file, ideally, or perhaps a screenshot of the material configuration? What is the blend mode set to?
I am experiencing issues with transparency like this as well. I had been seeing neat transparency in Blender 2.81 but then it was opaque in GLTF viewer. When I updated to 2.83, I got transparency in the GLTF viewer but it wasn’t the same.