Blender 2.8 with prorender problem please help!

Blender 2.8 with prorender problem please help!

i installed the prorender but does nothing

Probably because your Blender 2.80 build is outdated…

i downloaded blender 2.8 beta

because RPR been broken for a while
IIRC since sometime in April, 19th ?
anyways, brian and the builder are back on track… stating (on Discord) to expect a new build in a ~ week’s time

Blender 2.80 build updates every day since it’s in active development, one on your screenshot is one of 2.80.41 builds which is around 4-5 month old and like a month before ProRender was out. Download new 2.80 build, if it’s not working there then you have to wait for plug in to update it’s support.