Blender 2.81 how can i select the FBX version in export settings

I cannot find the FBX versions selection anywhere in the export fbx setting?

Does anyone know how or where it is?

you can’t
it’s blender special Reverse engineering fbx

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Are you serious? Some FBX versions are essentials in certain type of animations!

So far i have no success exporting a simple cylinder with 2 bones armature to ue4, i can see the cylinder but the animation just wont work so maybe it’s part of their Special FBX thing?

Blender is not licensed to use any official FBX.
Perhaps, because it’s free and opensource.

I know this but before we had the options to select each versions of FBX prior to export so maybe autodesk drop them an email recently and now they remove it to avoid a feud with them.

Now it’s back to 2.79 for animation and export purpose. Yet i saw no single tutorial that show in detail how to export animations from latest blender to UE4.

And Epic help is well not epic at all!

did you try all the options of the armature panel of the exporter?

Unreal to blender export work with every option. Select everything you are going to export and export.

Yep tried almost every settings and here the error messgage i get in UE4 4.23 ;

IHi and welcome to the BA forum Esimus,

I don’t understand exactly what you mean since i tried almost every export options and yet no success.

Hello and thank you,

I see that you have a vertex influence error. It probably means that the skeletal mesh is not properly skinned or paranted.

I have the .blend here if you want to have a look ;

test_UE4_export.blend (2.0 MB)

It’s not weight painted or what it’s called. When you parent try the automatic weight selection.

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your mesh needs to be paranted to your armature. Meshes need to be under the childs of the armature

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You got it right Esirnus my mistake was that i have weight it with envelope parameters instead of parenting with the auto weight option.

I am very familiar with the process with 3ds max but this is my first step in Blender to unreal.

I derail my own thread so for those who still wonder where are the FBX version selection menu then you are out of luck since there is no more versions you can select now, revert to older Blender version if you require an older FBX version.

I remember that for modding Skyrim only FBX 2013 was working for some type of animations.