Blender 2.81a Won't open on Windows 10

Hello! :slight_smile:

I am going to make this as simple as possible.
How the issue arrived: One day i decided to remove my old AMD drivers from my PC, because I
have a NVIDIA GTX card, and Blender was still using my GTX card before I deleted it. Now when I try to open blender, It opens the console and gives me this error.

Win32 Error# (0) : The Operation Completed Successfully
Win32 Error# (0) : The Operation Completed Successfully
Win32 Error# (0) : The Operation Completed Successfully
Win32 Error# (0) : The Operation Completed Successfully
Win32 Error# (0) : The Operation Completed Successfully
Win32 Error# (0) : The Operation Completed Successfully
Blender - Unsupported Graphics Card or Driver

A graphics card and driver with support for OpenGL 3.3 or higher is required.
Installing the latest driver for your graphics card may resolve this issue.
The program will now close.

My computer specs are as follows:
Operating system: Windows 10 Home 64 bit
CPU: Intel Core i5 @ 3.70GHz
RAM: 16.0GB Dual-Channel
Motherboard: ASRock Z390
GPU: 4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
465GB Hitachi HP SSD EX900 500GB
.My OpenGL version is 4.6
.My GPU has the latest drivers
.My GPU does support OpenGL 4.6

How I have attempted to resolve this issue:
.Updating Windows
.Updating my drivers multiple times
.Going into NVIDIA control panel ( Manage 3D settings > Program settings )
.Reinstalling Blender 2.81a

NOTE: I would like to avoid using older versions of Blender if possible, however I have
not tested this possible solution.

If anyone can help me with this issue, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you.

I use 2x 2080TI GPUs, I9-9900K Cpu, Windows 10

I get this error all of the time, I think Blender 2.8+ is bugged. V2.79 works fine and I can cycles render on my GPUs, but Blender 2.8 won’t even start unless I reboot, then who knows how long it will work again…

I do not like the new bugged Blender 2.8… Why are developers not aware of these breaking bugs? They are not concerned with stability and it is a very discouraging, how do they expect to get people to want to use their software if it won’t even start on a $6000 PC?.

Blender 2.81a does not open. But it worked before. I uninstalled and I installed it again. I see an empty console windows.


is the Blender dictionary folder found in C:\blah blah? if yes… then try if you can use the zip of Blender and put it in external hard drive. and run the blender from that external HDD and see what happened.

This is just to test to see if it work or not. Depending on the result, i will explain or not.

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@Xelbayria thank you for reply

C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 2.81

I downloaded “” I try to run from CMD and I see the message then I close running:

AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed

I solved the problem. I installed Blender 2.80. It works!

Hmm :thinking:

what was the problem that giving you so much trouble? if you don’t mind share the details.

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I do not know why 2.81a does not work on my laptop. But 2.80 works.

Asus K53SV; 8 GB RAM, i3 2.2 GHertz (2 cores); Intel HD Graphics 3000; Nvidia Geforce GT 540M (1 GB); Windows 10

I updated Nvidia Geforce drivers in September 2019. I tried to run with “High Performance …”.

I glad that 2.80 works.

I see…

Nvidia Geforce GT 540M.

That may explained it. I want to check, what’s the version of NVIDIA Geforce Drivers?

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388.57, Release date: 12/07/2017

I installed Geforce Experience. Drivers are downloading. Version 391.35 Release date: 03/27/2018. I will try to install 2.81a and I will write about result.

Yes, you are right. After drivers updating the 2.81a version works. Thank you very much!

ah good to know. Glad that you are able to solve your problem! :+1:

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