BLENDER 2.83 (2.90) unstable & corrupting files on MacOS! Anybody else got this?

Thanks for the update.
I usually only use 2.82 now. It’s still super stable. But I do miss the new features.

I did a very small and simple job on 2.91 recently, though. It worked pretty well. Until I started to render the animations. Blender crashed after about 3 frames, ever time. So I had to go back to render it in 2.82.

I will go on using only 2.82. For complex projects I do not see any other option.
It’s a real shame, though.

Hi Cekuhnen,
I just wonder, do the recent Mac versions of Blender still work fine on your 2014 iMac?
No frequent crashes? No corrupt files?
And do you use the new undo system or the legacy undo system?

That would be interesting…

For me all version after 2.82 are basically unusable on a 2019 iMacPro, a 2020 Macbook Pro and on a 2013 Macbook Pro. Mojave and Catalina.


all works on that old iMac

I only installed it thus I assume I am using the old legacy undo system?
I thought this was on by default lol …

were you using any specific add-ons that update on frame change? i know my wiggle bones script has issues with renders if the sim is not baked into an action. but for the crash problems specifically, enabling ‘lock interface’ in the render menu tends to help.

also this thread has me seriously knocking on wood. i was just commenting to a coworker that blender tends to be the most stable of the software i use. daily random crashes in unity and unreal are the norm for me, but blender crashes feel much more occassional. might be helped that i’m usually animating realtime assets that overall are less demanding.

No, I was not using additional add-ons. Only node wrangler. And no simulations or anything which would need baking. The scene was really simple. Otherwise I would not have dared to try it on 2.91.
On 2.82 it render like a charm.
2.82 really is rock steady. I was deeply impressed by how steady Blender is, when I started using it with 2.8. And, like you, I told friends in the industry about it.
Unfortunately this has completely changed.

Are you using a recent Blender version on Mac and don’t experience frequent crashes or corrupted files?

Might I ask what MacOS you are using?
And do you do complex scenes on it?

I think by default the new undo system will be active, by the way.

Catalina on each mac

iMac 2013
macPro 2010 (patched)

I do not do complex scenes - mainly industrial design product rendering or interior arch viz.

would it help to give you access to a mac here to test your file / blender / add-on combo?

Sound like your scenes are complex enough. :wink:

Thanks a lot for the offer. I’m not really sure, how we should test this, though. It would need someone to go on working on the files I send. And see if any corruption or crashes occur.
I sent files with corrupt objects to the Blender devs…and they found out, that meshes are corrupt. That’s all.
( A very simple project which crashed, whenever I tried to render an animation, would be an easy quick test. But it was for a clients job. So I would have to wait til this commercial is out on air.)
I only used plugins which are included in Blender, by the way.
There are also quite a few other Mac users having exactly the same problems. There were 3 different bug reports listed about these issues.
It might really have to do with processors. I would have no idea how that would be possible. But it seems this way. Would be interesting to hear what kind of Mac the Blender devs use.

Can you make it unrecognizable by applying cast sphere modifiers to everything and changing/deleting the materials?

That’s a good idea. I removed all specific logos and images and sent it to Cekuhnen in a DM.
Since it’s such a simple project that was easy to do. :wink:

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I loaded a 2.83 with all sort of addons and no crashes until now. Tried 2.90+ briefly. Anyway, It would be useful to have some test files published here…

Regarding the corrupt files - there should be no test project needed. Once a project is corrupt it is corrupt in any version of Blender. It won’t be of much use anymore.

But you can easily test it yourself. (Well, ‘easily’ yes - but it will take quite a while.)
Create a complex project in 2.83 (or any later version) with many collections and objects.
Use the undo function now and then… and if you still have no issues after a few days of work, then you should be fine.
I usually noticed something is wrong when I activated a collection I had deactivated for a while.
Then Blender would crash as soon as I activate this specific collection. This collection and the objects in it will be gone for good. They can’t even be appended into other projects. If that happens you have to go back to older save files of the project until you find one in which this collection is not corrupt yet.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, it did not happen when I had a very simple project with only 2 collections and about 20 objects. (There I only had problems rendering an animation.)
But projects with over 20 collections and hundreds of objects…oh boy…those went bazooka. :crazy_face:

well via zoom you log into my computer and work on it :wink:
you would need to copy your file over to test.

Or we could use apples build in screen sharing

This reminds me of issues I had in the past with Yafaray.
It killed few models the mesh was complete garbage …

I sent you a direct message with the file, that crashed when I tried to render it.
Or at least I thought I sent it. :wink:

yup rendering it now - will take some time - btw no textures included

Ha, ha, ha. Of course, stupid me I forgot to pack the textures.
Wouldn’t have needed to change all the textures and images. :joy:

You already know I was having this same issue with my files, which are large animation scenes with several collections. I chose the Bootcamp route so I could work confidently but I understand your desire to work with 2.81 so you don’t have to reboot every time.

For what it’s worth, 2.91 is working very well on MacOS, and I haven’t had any corruption issues.

I know you know the drill of opening a new file and appending all collection. Maybe try that with 2.91?

crash after frame 35

crash.rtf (127.6 KB)

rendering window with CUDA now and then windows with CPU


macPro restarted
blender crashes on frame one

That is interesting