Blender 2.83 LTS and AMD GPU

Holy cow! I just noticed there is a Blender 2.83.5 out. Has anyone tried this version yet? Is the AMD problem fixed? Guess I will try it out.

Iā€™m downloading it now. had .3 release. so what is the current issues, just crashing?

Current issue is the same as previous posts. Viewport or F12 rendering crashes windows. Have to hard reboot. If I use 2.82a, no problems at all with old or new AMD drivers.

I have not tried any Blender version past 2.83.2 LTS. So it maybe fixed in a newer version.

SO I had 2.83.3 LTS, and now tried with 2.83.5 LTS. tried also with 2.90 and 2.91 (yesterdays builds)

running Vega 64, drivers 20.2.2, Windows 190xā€¦ (the last one before 2004 build)

Am able to render my scene and also BMW2 scene without any issue.