Blender 2.8x new Game engine

My mom still insists on using XP. She runs it on a laptop that has a screen that is slowly dying, and a touchpad that randomly stops working, but she refuses to upgrade. I believe that when it comes to technology, some people find something that they like, and even when it’s long since outdated and something better comes along, they cannot accept the change.

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One more reason not to integrate extra bloat into Blender is that everyone chooses their own game engine. Blender development must focus on 3d, animation, texture, sculpting etc production.


I will flatly agree with William about Armory – if you want a new game-engine for Blender, “adopt” Armory as an official component of Blender. You simply can’t do better.

The “secret sauce” is Haxe, which is a cross-platform development system that actually works. (In the Haxe ecosystem, Armory, Iron, Kha, etc. are merely “packages.”) It is by no means focused on nor limited to graphics, although a lot of work is done using the Flash API. Armory integrates with Blender as a plug-in, then conveniently generates Haxe source-code. Haxe then produces the executable version for your target of choice … using, if necessary, whatever vendor-supplied compiler is appropriate for that target. And it’s all, soup-to-nuts, open source.

(If in your “day job” you write JavaScript by hand for a living … you won’t keep doing that when you see how much better Haxe is with JavaScript as its “target.”)

So, it’s not a "Blender game engine." It’s a game-engine that is seamlessly integrated with the Blender environment. There’s never been anything like it before, and everyone else will now be forced to respond to it.


show me a finished game made in armoury I will wait.

Show me a finished game made in UPBGE. I will wait.

don’t feed the BGE cultists!! it’s a slippery slope…

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This. 10x this!
Make Armory the officially backed/supported Blender Game Engine component. It has the most momentum going for it as well.

Yes, I’m waiting for Armory to mature, it’s not something I’d try to use in production yet. For now I’m dedicating my time to Godot. It’s a more mature and stable engine. Long term I reckon both will be viable choices though.

Define better. This is obviously subjective. If it works for her, it works for her. So long as she knows to keep the system sufficiently secure, whats the problem?

with some dev time on this branch

we can make bge games in eevee and have eevee level graphics, with easy to use python to wield it, and the new render is close to GLES compatible no?

Godot should also get support through the improved ability of third-party applications to integrate with Blender. It’s a good engine that is relatively simple to use and does not require any third-party editors (ie. Visual Studio). The name is also attached to a very nice looking 3D title now available for purchase.

As for UPBGE games, odds favor it having more titles because of its compatibility with existing BGE files and the length it has been available (at least I hope so if it’s to have a fighting chance). By that I mean complete games, not WIP demos.

Honestly, I would rather the Blender Dev team work on pipelines to game engines then building one of their own, give us some more UE4 and Unity support, give us some more Armory and Godot support and hell even some Lumberyard support would be nice. Honestly at this point I would rather some presets for being able to texture in blender and have it faithfully export to my engine of choice.


I hear you.
I quite like the Godot engine as well. Godot can exist on its own, independent of any asset creation software and its especially good for 2D. Some 3rd party support, a bridge between the two, will definitely not be seen as a bad thing.

Armory though appears to be closer to what Autodesk tried and failed to do with Stingray, and what Naughty Dog successfully did with Maya (building their game engine on top of Maya). There a lot of perks to having the engine closely integrated with the asset creation software. There is a big demand for this imo. Toss in Haxe ( ), the ability to publish to consoles + the developer’s design sense, and its far better than what you get by trying to keep the BGE alive via UPBGE.

I can only hope that the odds don’t favor something because of backwards compatibility, but rather take a forward thinking approach and start over with something that will actually have a bigger, more long term impact as it relates to game development.

In other words, Armory simply has a lot more going for it as well as a lot more potential to be used professionally. Furthermore, its much easier to market and that is going to be a key component in any game engine’s success.

Now toss Ton’s response to Allegorithmic selling out to Adobe, and the interest in creating an alternative within Blender. Armory brings along ArmorPaint. A lot of the foundational work is already being done.


Well her old laptop screen is about to fail, she also insists on sticking with an old version of Opera, so half the internet doesn’t even work correctly. This is why I brought it up in this conversation. Sometimes people are so scared of change in their technology that they will stick with something that hardly works, rather than try and learn something new.

I still maintain some legacy hardware and meh…I go both ways on this. My o-scope uses windows XP, although that is an off line system so meh, no worries there, my laptop and desktop are both windows 7, but my tablet pc is windows 10, although I still keep a windows 95 laptop because it is one of the few things I can use that will interface with some devices that are still in production, and quite frankly when it comes to some industrial applications they tend to be slow to upgrade, both due to that whole cost thing and it can be expensive to invest in a technology that ends up being full of problems. Hell the CNC I use to use still runs windows 2k on it, but between you and I, while I have terror attacks every time we use to plug a usb device into it to update files, I still would rather avoid the downtime of reworking that system to something that was made in this century because while that would be a week or so to get things set up, that is still quite a bit of downtime and lost manhours, not to mention retraining of personal and whatever other bugs that popped up due to old work files becoming broken on the new system.

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