I was trying to do my first car model without tutorials and everything was going smoothly but after reopening the file today in order to continue working on it i can no longer see the vertices of the car, can only see the ones attached to a face but no the ones to the rest of the frame of the car. Any idea?
like this
also if i delete and add back an edge the vertex appear again and if i add a face between the edges without a vertex the vertex will pop out back into existence
The model appears fine. You could try loading without Load UI checked. If possible, you could also upload the .blend so someone could take a look. I’m not sure of any setting that would cause that, though.
i honestly don’t know if i did it correctly… prob not. i think i forgot to pack it.
either way… https://pasteall.org/blend/1a79d56b469449aeb7f34cdf2f1535f4
here goes nothing, also i noticed if i try to subdivide an edge in order to add a vertex to it… it straight up crashes.
I ran into missing verts in edit mode and couldn’t figure it out for a while. On a lark I tried alt+h and they had been hidden despite the rest of the geo continuing to show. I think it’s a bug of some sort.
thank you all.
it was indeed some sort of bug that decided to mess with me by hiding the vertex (kind of feel really dumb rn).
either way thank you all again :3
Edit: should i close the thread (somehow? cuz i honestly don’t know how)? or should i just… let it be here for the rest of eternity?