Blender 3.0 Geormetry Nodes What is replacing point instance node now?

I have used point instance node in a project but now it does not work anymore and I cannot find it in the available nodes! What is replacing it now?

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These are the point nodes as of Blender 3.0 daily from 19th oct…

search instance.

heres probaby what yr looking for,

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Thanks. I tried it and I had to complement with other nodes but it worked for the generation of a circular array in x and z axis… Kinda convoluted to work that way…
Thanks again…

BTW what is the difference between mesh in and geometry in ? a mesh is a geometry… no?

Geometry can be anything : mesh, point cloud, curve, volume,…


subtle consideration :thinking:

i don’t dare to ask about mesh? Do we have to consider that it is a material made of a network of wire or thread or a geometric object as a set of finite elements but not a geometry? one is an artist/modeler/animator perception the other one is a programmer consideration… Just to make sure I am clear on the concept… Thanks

I am not following you sorry

I don’t suppose there’s a help page on this node yet? The documentation at still believes that Point Instance is a node type, but there’s nothing on Instance on Points. Beyond “Points”, “Rotation”, and “Scale”, I’m not sure what I’m looking at here.

To clarify, I’ve figured this much out:

That said, it would be great to know what all these new buttons and knobs actually do!


did you find the answer am same like you didnt find answer

to the original question ? you have to look for “instance on points” node

Well for anyone looking for info on this, the “Instance on Points” node is described in detail here:

you need to add another node which is “geometry to instance” instead of scale instances


There is a lot of change since 2.8 version and nodes are more enhanced now so here’s the new setup of nodes you’ll see I hope it’ll help you…