I have an animation created in x-Particles, and exported as Alembic.
It shows up fine in Blender, and with a point cloud setup I can render it out with no problem.
You just have to add an Instance on Points node.
An you can drag and drop an object from outliner to node editor to create an Object Info node.
Geometry socket of this Object Info node has to Instance socket of Instance on Points node.
Thanks, @zeauro that worked.
It seems the rotation of the particles has not been kept, though. Not sure if GN ignores that value, or if Alembic it’s not translating it properly from C4D to Blender.
Here’s the idea in C4D (way less particles in the viewport in this case)
Yes. The plan is to have rotation exported as an arbitrary attribute in alembic file.
And this attribute should be exploited by Geometry Nodes.
But currently, alembic import and geometry nodes does not handle that, too.
That is in development.
People are currently messing up rotation by using fields like position, normal, hoping that does the trick.
But that is not faithful to imported simulation.