[Blender 3.2.2] Desired material wouldn't apply, emission color shows up instead

i tried giving this svg a metallic texture, i selected the svg and put metallic at 1.000, roughness at 0, switched the viewport shading to material preview and also tried the rendered preview it still wouldn’t show up as metallic and only showed the emission color, then i redid everything and switched to edit mode and selected everything with A then applied the material, still didn’t work. i’m sort of new to blender so i’m really sorry if i overlooked anything even though i feel like i’ve done everything by the book but still didn’t get the desired results, any help would be extremely appreciated.

metallic 1.000 , roughness 0.000 , emission strength 1.000

rest of the attempts i made: https://imgur.com/a/l1DRSdF

Hello there!

You don’t seem to have any lights in the scene.
What about lightning options in material preview?



Sadly it didn’t work, the tutorial i was following though had no lighting but it still worked for them for some reason.

Uncheck “Scene World” and you should see a reflection of one of the default hdri’s from material preview.
As you have no scene lights there’s nothing to reflect :person_shrugging: so you can’t see anything.


Same result, i was really excited about learning blender i guess the journey might end before it even really started.

Don’t give up, just add some lights and/or an HDRI


Hm, the material itself appears to be correct - you can see reflections on a tiny preview sphere in material list on the right…

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Check “Color Management” in "Render Properties - your exposure value might be really low, cause with other settings like this you should see the reflections correctly.

Or uncheck Scene Lights

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One thing Im wondering is why we can see grid lines through your object?
(edit) no, my mistake…yr object is halfway in z.

Can you try converting this curve to a mesh (ctrl, shift, C) and see if that makes a difference?
or make a sphere put the material on that, and see if it works on another shape?

I think it maybe yr object.


i’ve added an HDRI, checked the exposure and also tried to apply the material to a UV sphere mesh as AlphaChannel suggested to see if the svg is the problem but they’re both still black, i’m guessing it has to be a hardware issue, so the solution might be to upgrade hardware more specifically the graphics card and also to not give up, i’ve learned alot trying to figure this out though, i really appreciate you guys for trying to help!

You can upload the .blend file just to be 100% sure.

[FIXED!!] after contemplating abandoning the blender project altogether, i tried one last thing which was to uninstall blender(3.2.2) and re-install a previous version of blender(2.80.75) which worked! so the problem must have been either drivers or the graphics card for some reason.
thanks again everyone i really appreciate it!

if someone ever gets the same problem, get the msi file of either x64 or x32 windows depending on your system from here https://download.blender.org/release/Blender2.80/

list of all the releases if someone with the same problem wants to experiment further or attempt to find the most recent version that doesn’t have the material problem: https://download.blender.org/release/

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If this is only a problem on a specific version of Blender, you should make a bug report on developer.blender.org :slight_smile: