Blender 3.6.3 till 4.1.0 alpha starts very slow!

Hi all,
since Blender version 3.6.3 and until the newest release 4.1.0 alpha I have encountered a strange behavior when I run Blender the first time after a reboot of my PC (Windows 11).

In the picture you see my system config and an installed NVIDIA RTX 3090.
When I start Blender, i don’t see a window opening for about 10 seconds. Suddenly the terminal window opens and I had to wait around 15 seconds before the sentence in the terminal window appears saying: Read prefs: “C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0\config\userpref.blend”. After this, I have to wait further 10-15 seconds until the Blender viewport appear and I can start working with Blender.

This behavior was introduced with Blender 3.6.3 and further releases. With my 3.6.1 and previous version installed, I have not this behavior.
I deleted the whole Blender Foundation folder in the AppData path, but unfortunately still suffering the same issue. My blender installation is done from the downloaded ZIP file, extracted in a folder on my D:\Blender\blender-4.0.0 drive.
Strange is the fact, that this issue appear only when I start my PC and then after a while, when everything is started and loaded, I run Blender. Or when I reboot my PC and then run Blender. When I run Blender twice without rebooting, the second time I run Blender it starts very fast.
I have opened a ticket at but they have no idea why this is happening. In different discord servers I found some users having the same issue but with no solution.
I have installed Windows 11 from the scratch and tested Blender without have installed Antivirus and other apps, but still the same issue.
Windows is at the latest & greatest level of updates as well as the NVIDIA RTX 3090 card and PhysX.
Anybody that has a good hint or pointing me to the right direction would be much appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.

Any reason for not using 3.6.5 ?? Or is this just a typo ??

If you use a lot of Addon, or if you have a problem with it, it slows down your start.

Alternatively, there might be a hardware problem.

※ If you are using the previous settings on the blender, it may be helpful to remove the file from C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0\config\userpref.blend and reset the settings.

Hi Kim,
as I wrote in my post, I have deleted the whole Blender Foundation folder in the AppData folder. Said that, Blender has no settings, no addons to load, nothing. Blender is really “virgin”.

Get the version, decompress it, and try it.

If you have the same problem, it might be a problem other than blender.

※ Unless there is an opinion from someone with similar experience, it will be difficult to identify the problem without checking the PC in person. :thinking:

The link below is about a similar issue.
(The issue with the link below seems to have been fixed with the version update.)

I have a similar problem to lecra, but for a long time.
The first start always takes an extremely long time (approx. 1-2 minutes), the following starts only take seconds.
If I delete the userpref.blend, the first start is also very fast.

In order to find out which addon is responsible, I would always have to deactivate one or a few, reboot and start (very slowly) Blender again.
This can go on all day until I find out which addon is to blame.
In addition, the startup problem can reappear with every new activated or deactivated addon.

Therefore my question:
Is there a Python script that can log the start time of every addon?

Hi Kim,
I rule out a problem with my system because the problem a) has suddenly appeared since version 3.6.3 and b) only shows this behavior with Blender. c) with version 3.6.1 this works perfectly.
All other programs do not show this behavior.
If I knew how to use tools to find out which process is responsible for this long startup time, I would do it. Unfortunately I get no support from the Blender Development team. Too bad. Development is not interested in a solution just because only a few are affected.

Hi, thanks for your post. I feel me not alone anymore :joy:
Just one comments from my side. As I wrote many time, this behavior is popping up even if you have no addon’s installed. Try to rename the path C:\Users\YOURUSERNAMEAppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation in C:\Users\YOURUSERNAMEAppData\Roaming\BCK.Blender Foundation and start Blender again. With this, Blender starts with no settings and no addons enabled. You will see, Blender shows the same behavior. This shows to me, that no addons is the culprit of this behavior. Of course, if you have tons of addons enabled, the start of Blender take some more time, but not a minute or two!!
And, as you wrote: if you quit Blender and start again, it takes 4-5 seconds to be ready. Said that, I’m fully convinced that there is an issue with the Python cache or cache management in general from Blender.

Hi lecra,

if I delete or rename my config-Folder, Blender also starts slower than the second start, but not as extreme, around 30 seconds, the second start time is like you.

My first thought was that it was some kind of cache problem, but which cache is deleted when booting?
But you might be right about cache management, just a gut feeling, unfortunately I’m not a programmer.

That’s clear. Deleting the config folder means that all your addons are not present and therefore Blender has not to register them during startup. This will speedup the start a bit. Nevertheless, standing in front of your monitor and waiting around 1-2 minutes before you can work with Blender isn’t acceptable as of today. I have a performant system and I have absolute no issues with other programs, like Plasticity, FreeCad, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Substance Painter etc. It is just Blender. And this issue appeared to me just after release 3.6.1. No issues before.
As I said, I have an open ticket at Blender Development, but it looks like they have no idea. I sent them the requested log files but they are still at a loss. I have also to admit that they are absolutely not communicative. I have still to ask every week about the progress. And then they are coming back with bla bla, like update your system etc. It looks really as they would not read attently my posts!
I use Blender since more than 15 years and I feel little frustrated about their willingness to help and support.

Don’t be frustrated, the startup problem seems to affect very few people and a fix that can’t be replicated is of course difficult to fix.