Blender 4.0 to many changes

Hi today I was trying to add some edits to a 3D scene with Blender 4.0, but all the edit mode commands no longer exist, does anyone have some explanation about it.

This has never happened before and I don’t want a lot of useful commands like solidify to be eliminated in addition to add-ons.
now there is only one command extrude, maybe this is due to the fact that they are rewriting everything but I don’t know how much of the past will remain given this massive change, and I wouldn’t want to find myself using only geometric nodes to do anything.
Thank you.

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TL;DR: Don’t panic! It’s way too early to panic about what may or may not be the final state of Blender 4.0 upon release.

Blender 3.6 LTS was released Jun 27 2023. That’s four, no, I mean four days ago.

The next release after that will be 4.0, yes, but that’s scheduled for release Nov 7 2023.

see also:

Early November is a long way off still.

greetings, Kologe


Thank you I know the release cycles well but these drastic changes never happened my fear is that there won’t be time to make all these changes possible and much will be lost.

Totally rewriting everything that has been done in years of work requires enormous resources of both people and time, they changed the heart of the meshes and I think this will be the challenge a lot of what existed no longer works, I will look better at the development site to see if there are the various objectives as happened in the past for the rewrite of Cycles and Eevee.

At this time are 5 developers for the core and many are involved in other task such as Cycles, Eevee, API, Bug fixing etc.

For now this is what has been changed by breaking with the past and that’s no small thing, these changes, in addition to breaking with the past, will have bugs, and all the old code will need to be adapted to make the removed one work.

I guess this is just the tip of everything

And this is the whole project opened at this time

Over 5.6K of issues reported.

etc. etc etc…

Good thing there’s 3.6 LTS :slight_smile:


That list corresponds to changes breaking compatibility with older releases.
But that is not supposed to correspond to a lost of functionalities.
That corresponds to old features replaced by new ones able to handle same work.

When you try a Blender 4.0 alpha, it is expected that you may encounter bugs. That is an alpha build.
But no change has been voluntary done to remove Mesh Edit Mode tools.

Normally, if active object is a mesh, when you enter edit mode ; active tools are supposed to be present in toolbar, regular mesh tools should be accessible through menus ans shortcuts.
If it is not the case, because of an addon not up-to-date ; there is no reason to panic.
Somebody will end-up to update it.
During the wait, you will just have to ignore it, do disable it ; if you want to try Blender 4.0 alpha.
A simple Load Factory setting may solve such issue.

If it is something more problematic, make a bugreport.

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Vast majority of those 5.9k issues were created before 3.6/4.0 branching, just FYI.
4.0 is a major release, not minor like all from 3.1 to 3.6 were. Breaking changes are expected, otherwise you cannot implement new features or optimize performance or memory usage.

you have tested that?

Only because many works are still here for the support of the LTS, this also is additional works for developers

Anyway will see what happens but I think a lot will be lost.

I just did with last revision.
Solidify Faces mesh tool is still in Face menu. Solidify modifier is still there. And nodes to make a solidify are there.
I have 5 extrude active tools in toolbar. I have 6 items in Alt E menu.

The other mesh edit tools are there, too.

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Maybe I was a bit scared, just in the latest releases was changed many API and many add-ons don’t work anymore I’m downloading the new version now and I will do some test with factory setting And I see what is missing.

OK seem was a bit scared :sweat_smile:
Downloaded a new version and the latest build has many thing restored my build was downloaded wednesday, and only extrude was there…

However this is an unprecedented challenge not even the transition to 2.5 or 3.0 has been so massive, a lot is changing and there aren’t many developers.
let’s hope so, the LTS is a salvation, because it also opens version 4.0 files

There is no reason to worry about postponed goals, before start of BCon 2.

In list, there are a lot of things to look at.
Animation changes may have an impact on rigs.
Asset, Mesh and Nodes API changes may have an impact on addons.
But the rest is mostly removal of legacy stuff and display, shortcuts upgraded.
Normals tools and shader nodes changes should correspond to improvements and additions.
The only area, where there is a real risk of lost, by lack of time is particles system removal.

They mentioned removal of Particle Explode modifier, Particle Instance modifier and Emitter particles.
Removal of Newtonian, Keyed, Boïds or Fluid particles solvers sensible to Force Fields with quality settings relative to integrator and subframes computation.

They succeeded to make Hair Nodegroups bundle in a short time, but without physics.
Now, we have simulation nodes, but that corresponds to a lot of physics cases to replace.
We have 13 Force Fields types, 5 physics types and 4 integrators.

The old particle system had a lot of settings. But for a non physics expert, that is a lot less intimidating than nodes ; although nodes are supposed to avoid unnecessary computations in simulation caching.

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With all those API changes, there are going to be broken addons, no matter what. Even once 4.0 is officially release, you can expect there are going to be addons that are broken.

However, what you are seeing right now in 4.0 build is not representative of anything. If you can’t handle it, wait at least up to the point where it is in beta.


I was alarmed because up until now all the new releases were adding features and fixing bugs, but this list of breaks with the past and those unfinished checks seems like a lot of work.
And as in all processes of change we will have to know that much will not be as before.
Anyway thanks to all for the response.

I believe this discussion can be considered concluded, until an effective release.


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