Blender 4.01 UI Menu item hover

So I just open the 4.01 version and it seems the hovered element for any menu is stuck in this gray color that I can’t find in the preferences. Anyone experienced this issue? It seems it does not change for any of my many many themes I have. This is before and after the update. Never mind the dropdown header color.


The styling for menus has changed a bit in Blender 4.0.
The hovered menu item is not highlighted with the selection color anymore but now mixes in the text color instead (white in your screenshots, which makes it gray in front of the dark background).

This is because the selection color is now used to highlight the currently active item in enum lists like the editor selector:

You can check out the pull request that implemented this here, if you’re interested:

Ok that gets some problems when you don’t want the text to be white. Not sure why they decided to do this. It narrows the color options one can have.

It now forces the user to always have white text and in my case maybe is not 100% ideal. I can still read it but I was happy with how it was before.


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Older versions of Themes are not fully compatible with blender 4.0.
You have to set it up again.


※ This is the blender 4.1 setup screen.

His problem is that can’t be fixed.
Highlight being determined by Text Color.
If you want a colored highlight, you are forced to have a colored text.
If you want a very contrasted theme like the White theme, you end-up with an unreadable highlight.

The only way to solve that is to ask developers to make it customizable, in theme options.