Blender 4.1 Sculpt - Laggy

is anyone else finding 4.1 really laggy in Sculpt Mode? i was sculpting a character in 3.4 the other day, have upgraded to 4.1 this morning, and when i use the Draw brush the red circle freezes momentarily then vanishes as the stroke is done. Smooth is the same, not tried anything else. Char is only <5000 faces.

I don’t think there’s a problem when I tested it. :thinking:
Apply a remesh and try it.
If there was a problem with the mesh, it would be sorted out.

Yes, I have the the same experience ( lag ) with Blender 4.0+.
Its’ like the cursor has to register first (the lag) everytime you put your pen down on the tablet. Anyway, I reverted back to 3.6 for fluent sculpting.