Blender 4.2 Eevee displacement is spliting the mesh

Im testing Eevee displacement in 4.2 and it seams that eevee creates gaps on the mesh, like as splitting the mesh where there are uv seams. This is happening with image textures and also with procedural textures as noise and also with any other mesh. Suzanne is shaded smooth with 125k faces. Whats wrong? Is this happening to anyone else? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

I’ve seen this exact same issue for more than ten years. This issue existed in c4d and Octane over 10 years ago, and I’m sure with other DCCs and other renderers. I’ve seen this in forums and help support tickets there many times.

Displacement can create fracturing of polygons and unwanted gaps. Polygons shear apart.

This probably has absolutely nothing to do with Eevee Next or Blender 4.2.

I suspect there is something amiss with the order of operations in your file. If you post the file I’m happy to inspect, though it won’t be until tomorrow night when I can look at it.

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Thanks so much! I m posting the blend file here :smiling_face:

Suzanne.blend (1.1 MB)

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Using UV causes problems due to seams.

If you don’t necessarily need UV, use one of the two.

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Yes you are right, but if you wanted to use an image as a texture this would not look right at all without uvs. So i guess this is a blender¨s disadvantage :smirk: :roll_eyes:

Displacement maps work best if they are specifically made for the mesh. Just plugging some texture that doesn’t fit the mesh and UV layout will break the mesh.

The solution would be to use the texture as a brush, sculp the ‘displacement’ in a high res version (the multires modifier is the best for this), and bake it to the low res.


Eevee Next’s Displacement not good yet. You can not use Normal Map with Displacement, because “Displacement Only” option does not work.

Still best option is use “Displacement Modifier”.

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You can change the projection method to Box.
But it’s not perfect and it’s a little flawed.

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thank you ! this is a solution too :blush: :heart:

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Yes, there is a bug in the 4.2 ! :smirk: :+1:

yes! that makes sense, thanks! :smiling_face: :heart: