However, there is only one bone influencing the lip. Nothing should be pulling the lip down.
If I look at the skin weights in Weight Paint mode, I see the same 1 bone influence…there is no second bone pulling the lip down.
There is nothing to blurr/smear. The verts are weighted to one bone.
I’m trying to figure out why the verts appear to be influenced to a second bone. But Blender is telling me that there is only one bone.
This is a skinning anomaly, there seems to be a second “phantom” bone that Blender seems to think it there. But Weight Paint mode tells me there is only one bone as the influence.
When I select the right thigh bone, the weights on the left side were also selected. . And the weights are not mirrored symmetrically.
It also did not mirror the weights correctly. It copied the weights to both sides. And the copy was not symmetrical. For example, if I select the right thigh bone. I can see the weights were copied wrong onto the left side, not symmetrically.
This is an Autorig Pro problem. This skinning anomaly does not show up with Rigify.