Blender 4 - Geometry nodes - sample texture to populate points on surface


trying to sample a texture, as I paint the applied diffuse texture, points are indeed placed on the main mesh but they are not placed where I painted.

I also try to filter by color. I expect the points to be populated only where I paint.
Yeah I know I can use weight painting but I need a more flexible workflow

Thanks for your help

You need to be using the same texture space… i.e. plug in the UVMap attribute into the Image’s vector input. (it defaults to Position)

Good luck.

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yep, first thing I been looking for, like unreal shader stuffs. but there is no such node in blender…can you be more specific ?

note that I use Blender 4

You use the Named Attribute – UVMaps, Vertex Colors, Vertex groups, etc. - these are all Attributes:

Good luck.

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