Blender accepted into GSOC 2011

In the mesh tools part.

Pan, rotate and zoon while extruding, bevel, or any other tools
the only 3d aplication that can do this is hexagon and is realy usefull. [check hexagon for reference]

control curve while extruding, bevel etc.
Dinamic geometry [check hexagon for reference]
swip extrude [wings 3d-hexagon]
Extend along edge, 2, 3
teseelate tools [free, on surface, slice etc. ]

chek hexagon for reference on tools behave.

I’ve been very happy with Blender’s continual improvement and would like to commend all the excellent and talented people who have worked on it. This is one of the great success stories of open source.

I do have one pet peeve, though. Sometimes, when someone creates a new system, like smoke simulation, or fluid simulation, it’s difficult to get it working if you aren’t privy to the theoretical concepts. Often the documentation is sketchy, so it may take a while to figure out exactly what elements you need where and what settings are likely to give you workable results.

I’d like to suggest that anyone contributing a new system, or substantial upgrade to a new system, should try to provide the following things to help those of us who aren’t a knowledgeable:

  • a default scene that illustrates the elements and settings needed.
  • a step-by-step set of directions for building a basic scene using the new system.
  • documentation on each of the settings in the interface for the new/improved system.

I know this is some added work for some, but it can make all the difference.
BTW, I know that many of you provide videos that walk through your systems, which is also great, but some people, like me, really need the reference documentation, too.

Keep up the great work.

You should be able to change operator settings pressing F6 after rotating view.
But some operators can not be redone.

Do you mean better tools than taper curves ?

I think it was a target but it was too difficult to stabilize as a short-term todo.

Blender have different tools to extrude.
But Extrude Individual and use of Individual Origins as Pivot point seems insufficient to equal hexagon’s sweep.
In blender, you have to duplicate result of extrusion (shift D,array, dupliverts or duplifaces), move duplicates, select, delete some faces and remove doubles.

It looks like only one side of old bevel center’s script result.

It seems to be Bmesh’s knife and subdivide operator.

Game Engine
Drastic Improvements on the Game Engine Render,
Powerful LightMapper,
Node Based logic and Separate Coding API’s ,
A few Features to make Game Dev Easier, Like Built IN Weapon Features, Socekts, Terrain editor, Grass Painter Etc
A Fully Customized real time game Cutscene Editor (Unreal Matinee)

Faster Work Flow,
Separate Option For Sculptris Like Sculpting ( That software is good, But it looks like its Dead now :frowning: )

Texture Painting
Better Projection Painting,
More texture manipulation,
Easier BumpMap painting

Instant Retopology Like 3D Coat

Better Options For Drawing Polygons (Like Silo 3D)

Biped Like Customization
Anim-Gator Like Capabilities (Softimage)

3ds Max Type Material Library,
Default Skin Shader (Mental Ray SSS Fast Skin shader)
Optional Game Engine MATERIAL EDITOR

Faster Work Flow,
Separate Option For Sculptris Like Sculpting ( That software is good, But it looks like its Dead now :frowning: )

That’s already worked on by this dude:

Texture Painting
Better Projection Painting,
More texture manipulation,
Easier BumpMap painting

Bishop and Ptex.

Instant Retopology Like 3D Coat

It’s a project from last GSOC
Don’t know the progress. Probably dead.

Better Options For Drawing Polygons (Like Silo 3D)

Agree. I’d say we need a poligon tool…

Biped Like Customization
Anim-Gator Like Capabilities (Softimage)

Dunno what that is

3ds Max Type Material Library,
Default Skin Shader (Mental Ray SSS Fast Skin shader)
Optional Game Engine MATERIAL EDITOR

What does 3Ds max have to do with blender?
Perhaps you want Blender to have a Material library.
We have this:

I will also toss my vote in for Texturing, Sculpt and Retopo improvements.

Personally I would like to see Blenders Scuplting improved as its lacking greatly, we can live with out many features like unwraping,bmesh etc but Blender is lacking behide in sculpting.

It would be great to see “Bsphere’s” based on Zbrush’s “Zsphere” this would be great to speed up base modeling.

Retopology seems to be slow and boring unlike 3d Coat’s new retopology tool.

Masking is not in Blender yet.

Layers in scuplt mode would be nice, not sure if this are already exist?.

As a Game Developer, I’m pretty happy with blender and how it evolves. I would say that all people at the blenderfoundation probably have a good idea about what’s next.
Anyway, I would love to see some better viewport integrations for games, (yes, that’s very selfish)

  • Hardware accelerated SSAO in the viewport like Maya & Max
  • DOF (as above)
  • Motion blur, etc.
  • Retopo would also be very nice.


Ability to multi-thread python scripts in the Game Engine. ( useful for AI, like in an RTS )

What you said makes no sense. First you say that sculpting needs to be improved, then you say that nothing should be improved but more added instead. NO NO NO. Improve what’s there. No half baked features please!
And no, Sculpting IS NOT lacking greatly. Sculpting in Blender is pretty darn amazing… (Except for the speed)

It would be great to see “Bsphere’s” based on Zbrush’s “Zsphere” this would be great to speed up base modeling.

Well, good news for ya, that’s already WIP, and you can already find builds with that on Graphicall.

Doesn’t work well yet, but it’s good progress.

Retopology seems to be slow and boring unlike 3d Coat’s new retopology tool.

There was a GSOC for that Coat like retopo last year.
Someone just needs to finish it…
Actually i have no idea what’s the progress on it.
Zero news. Seems dead.

Masking is not in Blender yet

That’s already finished (I think), just not merged.


Layers in scuplt mode would be nice, not sure if this are already exist?.

I don’t think It does… will have to check the sculpt branch…


It doesn’t have , we are waithing for those tools but
when ???

:eyebrowlift:Looks great cant wait!

I guess the answer would be “when they will be ready. And not a minute before”. Read also: when one guy like you or me (but also capable of coding) will have spent enough of his time to implement all this goodies :wink:

This has been addressed multiple times before in discussions that you’ve been a part of (so cut it out with asking questions you already know the answers to). For those new to the discussion: first priority is to get the 2.5 series stable and out of beta. Then the devs can have fun with adding new goodies. No one wants to have new features like these in trunk more than our devs (if you watch the commits, you may even notice them sneak a few in), but it does no good to add features on unstable foundation.

Nodal Logic in the Game Engine and 3d Coat style retopo unless last years GSoC on that is actually working and waiting to be merged. Some of the UV stuff like automatic seams looks nice, too.

ok, i’m a bit lost. do the improvments made during the gsoc get put into blender, or does that stuff get put in a seperate build. if its put in a seperate build where can i find it.


each student has their own ‘branch’ where they do their work. Then at the end of the project, if it is ready, it can merge into the main branch. However, during a feature freeze new tools cannot merge to head. Since we have been in an exceptionally long feature freeze many of last years projects couldn’t be merged yet.

The work done to date is fantastic and would be nice to see:

  • sculpture tools optimised (as others have mentioned)
  • user friendly masks in compositor
  • texturing directly onto model
  • Video Sequencer Editor overhaul (this would be top of my list but think a large number of people are looking at the sculpture aspect)

I’ve been waiting for Masks since Nick Bishop moved to Blender from his SharpConstruct. I would also love for my pen tab to actually register pressure which should be a part of the ptex/sculpting work… painting is a biggie for me… also really excited about the quasi-zsphere stuff Bishop is working on to create good topology at the same time as you are extruding bones… dream come true!!!

FBX import and export. I’d really like to see this added so I can use it in conjunction with Messiah:Studio and it also is another way to use with Unity.