Blender Adaptive and Optimize Spline Interpolation

Does Blender have this feature like in 3ds max for Splines ?


When on, removes unneeded steps from straight segments in the spline. Default=on.

Note: Optimize is not available when Adaptive is on.


When on, automatically sets the number of steps for each spline to produce a smooth curve. Straight segments always receive 0 steps. When off, enables manual interpolation control using Optimize and Steps. Default=off.



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No. Blender does not have that.
If you have straight segments, you can modify handles type to vector.
Between 2 vector handles, there is no step.
But if segment is made of handles from another type, number of steps is the one defined by resolution.

so how would I go about to optimize the subdivisions like ex for the curve in the image above ?

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