Blender - Alternative workflow for Cryptomatte?

Hello everybody, Using Blender 4.0, been working on a shot of about 350 frames,3840x2160, simple animation nothing much with motion blur, the usual workflow for me was to render out multipasses and Cryptomattes and comp them, but due to the large number of frames, the utility and Cryptomatte file size becomes exponentially bigger now. So tried out DWAB compression for the cryptomatte which broke when compositing,

Found a workaround to reduce file size using Pix24 format and recompression using DWAB in nuke was able to cut to about a quarter where the crypto worked fine even after the compression.
Seems just Blenders DWAB output Breaks it. which was not the case for Utility passes. just cryptos

still wanted to reduce file sizes due to cryptos being overkill for a simple animation of object moving from A to B, found IndexPasses which seemed to do the trick, but do not come with motionblur as with cryptos, how do I render motion blur while motionvectors are enabled?