Blender Artists Instagram broken

Oh no! Just as we were about to hit 200k followers on our Instagram channel, Facebook forced me into an identity verification program. This is now pending, but until it is, I can’t post any new featured artwork there. Don’t worry though - I’ll make sure to catch up afterwards.


I can’t log in to Instagram either, is their a problem? Mine says

We couldn’t connect to Instagram. Make sure you’re connected to the internet and try again.

Does anyone else have this issue too?

No, I think that’s not the same issue as what we’re experiencing.

That’s a great opportunity (for all of us) to ban Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and all such anti-society and anti-free-speech scam platforms, and support the alternative media instead, like for instagram-like images (ad free), for generic posts, and,, for video.

This issue has been resolved. Also, we hit 200,000 followers today! :slight_smile:

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