hello, blenderheads! i’m just a noob and i would like to share my latest project. c&c are welcome. i use BI for my render.
Nice work! The texturing is pretty good!
I’d work on the lighting a bit though. First of all, turn up the shadow samples to get soft shadows. Secondly, Ambient Occlusion can be a huge help in adding more realistic lighting.
Still, good work! Keep it up!
Nicely done! The only thing I’d change is the specularity. Both intensity and hardness needs to be turned down a tad.
For example take a look at this one (randomly pulled off of Google) http://www.opensecrets.org/news/basketball.jpg
Play with specularity settings to match a real ball.
Happy blending and welcome to BlenderArtists
thanks for c&c,
@magiciandude: i thought about ao too, but as of now, i’m still trying to do some tweaks.
@robo3dguy: i’m still working on my lights effects. that whys it’s too intense and hard.
but for recommendation, i will keep trying. thanks
Did you use image textures?
PS. Check my ball: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=195065&highlight=basketball
sorry for the late reply. i just used a jpg texture, i’m trying to figuring out on how to do it procedurally, it took me about 7 hours, i get tired then i look a basketball texture online. yeah, i saw your work too.