Blender Beginner Guy (some opinions?)

Hello everyone, I’m a young person very intrested in 3D modelling using my freetime for some fun with it. I recently started and I would love too see myself in the future doing this as work as I’m learnig in IT school for now. My first project is a gyrocopter from the world of warcraft game, think I got a bit of modelling skills, and i would like to now if there is anythink i could do to make this even better ? Later on I’m going to add colors for it and maybe animation (need to learn that at first :X ) as I’m kinda stuck on this point I’m making a Mustang 1969 RTR-X car, Ill post my results right below and I’m very intrested in your opinion.

I dont even know how to make inblender screens so I dont bother you with my whole screen :stuck_out_tongue:

to save the render result click on “image” -> “save as image”

The model looks pretty good, but the rotor is not aligned accurately.
Also you could maybe use less subdivisions and enable smooth shading instead.

The rotor is supposed to be aligned like that, btw great call with that smooth shading

I’m doing this car now, it’s all one element for now, think doing good, no idea how to make that front thoe :stuck_out_tongue:

If you want your gyrocopter to have that game model feel then I would suggest removing the sub division modifier, Blizzard models have a neat way of using that low poly faceting to enhance the silhouettes of their models. It looks good so far, it makes me want to revive my hand painted low poly thread from last year.