Blender beginner needds help with lighting and textures

Hey guys,

First of all I’m a newbie to 3D software and I decided to use blender since I read somewhere that blender got a new update which improved the UI, plus it was free.

My question is, I was following this tutorial on youtube (skip to 10:55) and I noticed that my textures and lighting was totally different from his.

my turned out very noisy and grainy and just muddy overall.

Any tips?


Noisy and grainy goes away with more samples and/or denoising enabled.

There might also actually be something wrong with your material and light setup, causing an unneccessary amount of noise. But we would need more info about how exactly you set things up to be able to diagnose it. Best would be a blend file to look at.

Thanks for the reply, I’m not really sure how to describe my setup, but here is the blender file midway when I noticed my render was not the same as his, I started fidgeting mostly in the render tab.

Seems to come down to mostly 2 issues:

  • roughness too low (icrease both sides of the color ramp)
  • point light too dim

Improved version: file.blend (2.1 MB)