Blender bug or my bug?

I’m scratching my head…

Ok, we have a mix shader, the input to it is either 0 or 1.
It’s coming from:

Ok, let’s connect my shader group to it:




As you can see, A+B has 4 black parts. This is not supposed to happen.
Also the UV coordinates of the object have an influence.
The thing is, in The Pixelate group, I use window coordinates. And I can’t find any place where I use UV Coordinates. (Except for the mix shader).

Could someone have a look, I’m starting to wonder if this is a blender bug?

Hmmm, I traced it to “Shader to RGB” node, I think? Here’s a simple example with only “Shader to RGB” nodes and Vertex Color as Fac, it shows the same behavior:

No idea why though, maybe it’s indeed a bug… :thinking:

PS. If you take Shader to RGB outside your node group, and input the Color instead of Shader, it works.

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I think, blender doesn’t like it, that both pixelate nodegroups share the same principled bsdf.
Is this what you are trying to achieve?

oops, replied to wrong comment.

Thanks guys, I did a bug report.