I wasn’t sure where to get support for this issue so I figured I’d try here.
I opened a bug report on id.blender.org last year. There hadn’t been any activity on it for a while, but now they asked me to test it out again. I’m trying to reply with my tesr results, but I can’t remember my password. When I use the “Forgot password” option I receive an email with a link to a page where I can reset my password, but when I follow the link the loaded page just says Page not Found.
I tried the reset password option four times and received four emails, but the links always take me to a Page not Found page. Does anyone know how I can get in touch with the Blender.org site maintainers to let them know about this broken functionality?
If you have already a BlenderID then AFAIK this should appear on https://projects.blender.org/issues ( ← with your ID associated to your bug report)… you may have to login…
IDK if the changes on the system where done before or while you did this…
User accounts have been migrated to Blender ID. If you had a Blender ID account, the username is now set to the one from the profile there. If you did not, a new Blender ID account was created. Please contact Blender ID support in case of any problems, or reach out through the dedicated chat channel.
I went to the Blender ID support link there and found that I should send an email to [email protected]. I sent an email to that address, but it was returned “Address not found.”
If the Email on the contact page does not work you may try the one from the about page and also tell them ??:
Technical Assistance
For any issue or request regarding your Blender ID, such as merging accounts or fixing an invalid email address, get in touch with blenderid at blender.org
There’s no email address on the about page, just what you have copy/pasted there which links to the Blender.org homepage which also doesn’t have any contact links anywhere that I could find. The only email address I could find was the [email protected] one which, I guess, they must’ve forgotten to set up before listing it as their contact address
I tried the chat link from the blog you linked and that doesn’t work either. It says the room either doesn’t exist or I don’t have permission to view it. Looking at the discussion homepage suggests I have to login with my BlenderID which, obviously, I can’t do. Pretty funny really, I have to login with my BlenderID to get support on the subject of not being able to login with my BlenderID
I’m probably going to have to end up creating a new account with a different email address I guess. I was just hoping to avoid that.