Blender build-in Physics based Animation (IPO)

This is a new bullet-blender build, with a new feature that allows for physics based animation, baking game physics into animation curves (ipo).
Linux build will hopefully be uploaded later.

See the included blend file for explanation.
Basically this is a build-in version of a script called game2ipo, with the option to reset the animation ipo’s. No need for scripts, much easier.

The resulting animation, ALT-A (works on all blender).

Feedback welcome, positive in the forums, negative over email :wink:


May I be the first to say thank you. This integration of game physics and blender animation is fantastic.

Let the blends collide.

Oh, no… is it windows only version?

Could you please make - or make possible for others - linux/universal version of it?

Irwin, that was fun, is there any way that automagic key reduction can be done?
