Blender bypasses some nodes on baking

I got some trouble on baking / re-baking textures, fully procedural generated and image texture based. Basically some nodes (or maybe most of them) won’t included on baking proces

For now, I can’t attach more screenshots, so I try to describe my problem

on first screenshot - node group, where I subtract noise with spherical gradient, to minimize bump down to 0 on iris area

on secont screenshot - viewer node output, that’s the bump I need to convert to normal map

on third screenshot - baking result (I increased contrast to show it clearly), and it looks like subtract operation was bypassed (object have UV map).

I also got same problem with re-baking existing texture on another UV map, using nodes and similar gradients as factor I make some color correction, base image is changed for new UV, but colors stays the same, bypass again.

I already try to bake with GPU and CPU, emit and Normal bake type, even different shaders to input bump map in it.

edit: I also try to load factory reset file and append object (with nodes and textures) into this scene, and it still gives the same result

Welcome :tada:
…yes for a new userd there is only on screenshot per post… so just reply… multiple times :wink:

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First screenshot

Second screenshot

I solve the problem.

As You see on a nodegraph from first screenshot, I use empty object to control position of a spherical gradient, I suggested that it can be positioned wrong, because bake result is partly correct, maybe it’s not the case for this example, but I have similar node setup with mix node, ready for baking color texture.

It transfers texture on another UV as it should, but somehow avoid color correction, like mix node has only solid black input, so I manage to bake mask into a raster texture, plug it in mix node factor and it works. So if You have similar problem - try to check masks position, or just bake it.

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Hadn’t time to have a deeper look into this… but as you see… only posting here can make you think differently about the task and even solve it :wink:

…no seriously this happens often…
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