Blender CAM release- update 0.8.0

Hello, new blender CAM release is out.
new features are:

  • background operations computing
  • first down, ramp in, ramp out for contours
  • helix entry, arc retract for pocket


Hello, version 0.5.0 is out:

What is new:

  • Exact mode is now faster by around 25-30 %
  • support for text objects - they kind of worked in some situations but that was a coincidence! :slight_smile: Now text is properly supported.
  • default threshold for optimisation was lowered, the new algorithm works better with that
  • Waterline with layers was fixed, now waterline works much more like in other CAM programs. It is however still experimental feature!
  • Drill paths now support transformations of the source curve object

Helo, new version 0.6.0 is out.

there is now support for operation chains and bridges for cutout operation, and bug fixes…

Ok, not to spam, just letting you know there is a 0.7.0 version !
lots of new stuff.

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Pack curves on sheet example


New release!

What is new:

  • custom cutter shapes. With exact mode, only convex are supported.

  • limit curve - you can now limit any operation with a curve.

  • limit curve and ambient have now an option, whether the cutter stays inside completely, or reaches the limit with it’s tip.

  • Pack curves on sheet - this helps a bit to save material. The algorithm is slow by now, but provides relatively good results

  • Code for this version was completely reorganized and there are many internal changes.

  • Please test and report any bugs you encounter, there might be some tricky things.

  • some more speedups in both modes.

  • Lots of bug fixes

  • Big part of work for n-axis was done, but it is not visible in UI. I cannot test the code, so I don’t want to release anything. also other things are wip.[TABLE=“class: tr-caption-container”]

limit curve used on an operation


  • All the code was separated into libraries. I wanted it to be more readable, and also would like to invite more coders to join.

As always, big thanks to:
as always, thanks to:

  • Bernhard Braun and Giovanni Bianchessi for linux & mac builds
  • Gaël Rosset for extensive reporting of bugs
  • everybody who posted feedback or donated

this help is essential for the project, I don’t have time to test everything properly, and donations help me to save some extra time.

Also, new tutorials coming soon! and more surprises :wink:

Hello, could you show some images of practical uses with this addon??, because with a lot of text and a few images a lot of people may overlook your possibly awesome addon…

if I am understanding the addon description on the website correctly, it is for the purpose were you want to cut 3d objects in real materials.?

all in all it would be awesome if there could be a pdf and or video (a to buy one is fine)
on how to get the addon best used with the needed hardware.

Yes. If I’m not mistaken, his program is only capable of 3 axes of movement, which doesn’t allow the work to rotate to get to all four sides (as shown in your video.) You would be limited to approaching it from one side (like in the video below.) At his website, he mentions he’s looking for a 4-axis machine to further develop the software.

(Not my video, BTW.)

Steve S

No need to worry about those in the know that work on the machines not knowing what he’s talking about, but I can’t speak for newbies. I’m in the process of designing and specing out my 3-4 axis machine, and I’m helping a friend debug his 3 axis. I’ll be sure and test this out when I have some time on my machine and thank you sooo much for your efforts… exciting stuff.

As allready said, if people don’t know what is a CAM software, then it means they don’t need it. I understand here come most often people who do animation or other stuff.

Regarding 4 or N axis milling, the code is allready there and it’s working, but It’s not in the release, because I don’t have the machine to test it…

@pildanovak: What kind of code does the script output? I have access to an older Leadwell 3-axis mill, with a Fanuc 0M controller. I also have access to (a slightly more impressive) DMG DMU40 5-axis mill with a Heidenhain iTNC530 controller. I realize your script is mainly intended for woodmilling, but if it supports input of cutting data - cutting speed, feed, and tool change, it might be worth trying milling metal parts. Assuming the controllers can read the code, of course.

EDIT: The Leadwell is actually a 4-axis mill, with an optional rotary table that serves as the 4th axis.

There are about 8 types of export now. The library is adopted from HeeksCNC, and it so far worked on many machines.
Regarding metal milling, it’s also the precision that might be problem - the artistic use doesn’t need tenthousandth of milimeter precision, while machine making does… Speeds and tool changes are supported, although I never tested tool change support, because I don’t have a machine with a toolchanger…:wink:

Well, my intention isn’t to use it commercially anyway, but rather to see if it would work at all. With any luck, it just might work on the Leadwell, since its controller reads standard G-code.

In any case, good job! :slight_smile:

well you can get standard gcode out easily, …:wink:
also, doing a new gcode exporeter would be quite easy…

Just wanted to say thanks for this. I don’t have a machine yet, but it is on my wishlist (hopefully this summer)

In any case, I’ve been following this closely and hope to use it soon.

Hi everybody, new version 0.8.0 is out, check it here: