Blender Cassette Player

I remember owning the iconic Sony Walkman and I thought I’d create a render of the internal circuit and gears of it.


Nicely done.

The only thing that I was happier to see “disappear” was the … “ka-chunk!” … 8-track tape. When the music CD came along, the only thing that I kept in my music collection was LP’s. I knew that I had finally pulled the last wad of plastic tape out of my car’s dashboard . . . (in my experience, cars and cassette tapes did not mix).


Looks good :+1:

My only crit , would’ve been a nice additional touch to see an extra wear pass applied to those cassettes, perhaps fingerprint smears, discolored labels with maybe a dogged eared corner or two since adhesive glue degrades over time.

I’ve a bunch of left over 80s era tapes that look as if a family of mice had slept on them :roll_eyes:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Luv it! :slight_smile: