Blender Collapsing Vertices On My Objects

I have a issue where my objects that dont have end caps and just open faces get collapsed for some random reason and it is extremely annoying, im basically working on tree meshes and it constantly keeps happening.

If i go into edit mode i can see that the vertices are still intact where they were/should be.

Here is an image of my issue, the top being in object mode, and the bottom being in edit mode vertices

It seems to have happened after attaching other objects to it possibly.
the object should be shaped like it is outlined in edit mode

first off, that is NOT low poly. that is EXTREMELY high poly!

second, its cause you have a sub surface modifier on. you will have to add a supporting edge, or delete the Ngon at the tip to get rid of it.

go study topology, and understand how tris, quads and ngons work with sub surface. that will help you understand.

what you got there is completely normal.

or remove the sub surf modifier… cause you got PLENTY of polygons anyways!

also, the reason it happened when you attatched other objects to it is that the last selected object before merging them together had a modifier on it.

you should always make sure to only merge objects that has the same modifiers to begin with.

either that or apply them or remove them.

there was a sub surf modifer :o my bad i must of hit a key to add it accidentally cause i would of never added intentionally, and the mesh isnt low poly my bad, its to be made into a diffuse thats then put on a plane as a image of a tree branch that then becomes low poly. Thankyou so much :slight_smile:

you hit CTRL+(1-6). that applies a sub surv with the number according subdivisions. doing CTRL+0 will set it to 0, but it will still be rendered with 2.