Blender community is at War..!

I’m working on this new concept how would a blender soldier look like.:evilgrin:who is the enemy
The “Mayan empire”…

Need to work on the heavy machine guns canon.:eek: I submitted the earlier version to swap blend if interested go there and download it and have fun.


Haha, the Mayan empire, that’s golden. And the Blender flag makes it even funnier. I think you should put the Blender logo or the Blender flag on the chest.

The suit modeling looks nice, but I’m wondering where the weapons will go. The suit’s pretty bulky already.

thigh holsters would look cool if done right, but if your talking about a war between designers a wrist mounted wacom pad is a must LOL!!!

You do realize that the Mayan Empire was actually real. :slight_smile:

No, no. This is after the Mayans wipe us all out and take over in 2012. Don’t believe me? It’s true. There’s videos about it on YouTube.

They are infantry tank assault unit known As “She Crazy squadron” dedicated to a fallen heroine,yes she was crazy to the very end. I will make it look good.

Yes… I’m pretty sure everyone here does… that’s where the pun is…

I posted this, because I need feed back on my project in which is a big help in developing my skills.there time some one would get
offended by blend-head critics,however is important for every one to have creative voices which could lead to a big new thing in the blender community.Critics are important to an artist work than the art it self.

I was thinking, what if you made the armor orange and white then used the blue dot on the chest? that might look cool.

You mean some thing like this design.

his/her knees are too low on the legs

The shoes give that illusion,they are fine for a He.

very cool I like it, maybe a little blender logo on the shoulder pads?

pauldrons. Speaking of which, the pauldrons are looking a little bulky. I should probably make a basic armor guide…