Blender Conference 2023 Talks

Simply amazing. He blew my mind. This man rocks

As two decades hobby user of blender Im really happy to see how fast Blender growing in recent years.Quality of recordings is superb <3 I can’t wait to learnt new things again

Damn, that’s a lot of talks.
Took me 5 minutes to scroll through all of them and select the ones I want to watch.

One thing I think they did really well this year (and iirc also last year, so basically since the pandemic, if you will) is the recordings.

  • No weird colorful lighting on stage (like the blue light some years ago)
  • The speakers are always covered, but also (often more importantly) the presentation slides are overlayed and cover much of the screen.
  • No more completely unnecessary audience shots like a few years ago. One thing that rubbed me the wrong way about those was how like 80-90% of them were right in the face of specifically pretty female conference visitors. What the hell was that anyway?

greetings, Kologe


A heads up:
The last yet missing video [Lights, Home PC, Action - Pau Homs i Farré] was uploaded, I added it to the first post.