Blender Crash on Startup Mac OS X 10.10 beta

So, Blender crashes on startup with the new OS X beta. Has anybody gotten it to work?

Nope - tried a few different versions of Blender here too, but they all go EXC-CRASH (SIGSEGV). Googled it; it’s a segmentation fault - something in Blender’s trying to read a bit of memory it’s not supposed to.

And there my expertise ends.

Time to make an extra donation and hope one of the devs has been trying Yosemite out too. [I kinda like the new look but they haven’t implemented the “dark mode” thing yet… (drool) ]

Too bad, Apple!
Rather than fix the severe bugs that mavericks still has, they change the maquillage once more.

There was a time when the mac was a good professional machine, now it becomes worse and worse, and just for social!


Well, in all fairness, it is still in early beta. I’m sure lots of bugs will be worked out before is is released this fall.

I’m speaking of the bugs of Mavericks!

I miss the 10.7.5


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Revision 86f42ee by jens verwiebe (master)
4 hours 38 min ago

OSX 10.10: fix for Blender crashing on fsmenu due icloud in the favorite list but pointer is NULL when not activated
This does not break other OSX versions, just add a check for pathString



Jup, from now on Blender builds including upcoming 2.71 will also open on OSX 10.10 for what it’S worth :eyebrowlift: …

I suspect this may be a bug in actual beta, but the added check does not any harm anyway.
Looks as 10.10 has a more tough relationship with icloud ( “continuity” ).


Thanks Jens!

I can confirm the latest build of Blender opens OK in OS X 10.10 (Yosemite).

Download it at - but note that it may not be as stable as an official release. If you need Blender for mission critical work, best avoid the Yosemite Beta for now. (But then you knew that didn’t you :slight_smile: