So lately I have been making an animation and yesterday when I had nearly finished I noticed that if I watch the unrendered animation from start to finish(I have tried this in solid, material and texture view all is the same) blender crashes. This happens from around frame 270-600. When this happens blender closes completely, instead of resolving the error so I don’t get any traces as to why it crashed.
Any ideas? I put around 15 hours into this animation and would be really disappointed if it were to be lost
If it means anything, this problem started after I had animated up to frame 600, and at the time I could watch the animation without any problems.
Help would be much appreciated
(This is my first thread sorry if I put this in the wrong section + sorry about making this long!)
Moved from “Blender Artists Website Support” to “Technical Support”
For a crash, you’re going to have to provide some more information. From your screenshot, we can see you’re running Windows… which version? 7? Tell us more about your computer. How much RAM do you have? What’s your processor? What kind of video card do you have?
Also, tell us more about the scene you’re trying to preview. You have a rigged character… do you have any simulations, shape keys, drivers, particles, etc?
I am currently running Windows 7 Ultimate, Quad core i5 and 8gb ram. I am using a laptop which doesn’t have a graphics card.
I don’t think the problem is my computer specs because my computer has never crashed whilst rendering, but if you think it will help I could try it on a different computer
No particle systems, 2 rigs, only shape keys are the ones assigned to the bones, No simulations, No drivers(that I can think of)
(If it helps) render tiles are 16x16, 5 samples, light bounces are 1-2
I found out that by lowering the quality settings it runs smoothly now, though I would prefer to have it at 1080p
could my computer be limiting the amount of ram blender is able to use?
I lowered the quality settings from the preset HDTV 1080p to HDTV 720p and now it runs smoothly, I left my computer on to render and it finished fine
Just a thought but could my computer be limiting how much ram blender is able to use?
sounds like there really isn’t anything that should make blender crash, but you can try turning on simplify under the scene tab and set it to 0 subdivisions and child particles and see if that helps?