blender crashes with convex hull

Hi, I’m a new user and I have a problem with bge:
when I try to use convex hull for collision blender crashes :frowning:
someone can tell me why?

Could you post a blend…that might not be the problem. Try changing Convex Hull to something like Box.

I have this problem with any blend, also with blend of other people, if I change convex to box or other all works

P.S. Sorry if I’ve used a bad english

I have this problem with any blend, also with blend of other people, if I change convex to box or other all works

P.S. Sorry if I’ve used a bad english

I had the some issues with convex hull collision as well, and got a solution inthis thread. From the menu bar, click on “Game” and turn on “show physics visualization”, so that you can see the physics mesh and see what goes wrong.

hope this helps,

Thanks, but I can’t do this, when I press P blender crashes and I must close it :frowning:

Which version of blender are you using? And on what operation system?
I am using 2.49b. On windows 7 and it seems to work fine.

Edit. I think I did have this same problem with a earlier version of blender.

I have win 7 64 bit, I’m using 2.49b but I have this problem also with 2.50, my gpu is a mobility radeon hd 4650.

I am having the same problem. did anyone find a solution?

For some reason this happens in the 64bit version of blender. :frowning: The 32bit works fine. :slight_smile:

mybe it has to do with polygon detail. If the model is too complex, it might slow down the game or crash it. Try using a simple invisible mesh for collision and bounds.

same problem, and also win 7, 64 bit. i don’t think this happens if the modell is too detailed, blender crashed at everything i tried…