Blender crashing unnecessarily/ unexpectedly/ frequently/ no apparent reason until now

If you can’t upgrade - which is very understandable - then try making sure you have no RAM hogging applications open whilst using Blender. Chrome (and other browsers) will eat RAM for breakfast if you’re not careful.

But as I said above: Other than reducing the geometry in your scenes, there isn’t much more you can do to mitigate hardware limitations.


and lunch. and dinner. and elevensies. and …
lol. my Chrome at the moment is up to 5.5GB of mem. yes, gig. :smiley:

That’s your problem, you’re not allowed to use 100% of your RAM as your computer would crash instantly, so most OSes cap out at 80 or 90. As said, you need to reduce RAM usage or get more

I know…chrome…uh…eats like 30% RAM…but I don’t think I have other options other that Opera maybe?
But it looks like we’re out of software solutions…I’ll try the solutions u suggested.

How to “Get More”?

Buy some… ??


That’s kind of wrong. Windows has page file, and Linux has swap partition. If you are using them properly you can basically use 99% of your RAM. Your system shouldn’t crash when running out of memory but it will slow down substantially - sometimes to the point of being completely non-responsive.

You can set swap to any size you want, and best recommendation is to set it to the same size as your RAM. Here is a graph from my system monitoring tool showing RAM and swap usage during very nasty Cycles render:



This is true, but out of the box without manual tweaking, Windows caps at around 75%


Also swapping is for “using the system”… it’s more a “measure of last resort” so that the whole system doesn’t stop working…

Imagine to rearrange your kitchen every time for making something and then eating in the kitchen… oh and then rearrange your desktop because you make your shopping list after reading you snail mail… and not to forget to rearrange it if you want to visit some internet forum… :wink:

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Default memory usage is higher than previous Blenders.
Therefore, high memory is required as a recommended specification.

※ Memory usage will continue to increase as you work.

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If you have 252GB of RAM, yeah, sure, percentage will be different. The OS needs to use some and that amount will be a lower percentage of 252GB then 4GB, don’t you think? :smiley:

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It’s unlikely to be a bug, instead it’s quite probably indeed your RAM, since you have very little. It’s ok to disregard minimum requirements if you can’t afford to upgrade and you can fit your scenes and adjust your workflow; I do it too (my graphics card is under spec) – but if things go wrong, where your system falls short in those is a likely cause.

And careful diagnosis is half the battle. If something worked fine up to a certain point and then suddenly it starts crashing, I’d first look at what you did just before it started crashing. What changed? Did Windows run an automatic update that might have changed the graphics driver? Did you change anything in your scene? Undo those things – does it still crash? If not, then those are the things causing your crash in some way (it might be an indirect cause). Add them back in one at a time to see exactly at which point things go wrong.

If some basic diagnosis doesn’t solve it, trying with other versions of Blender is sometimes worthwhile. Older versions might work because they were written for older hardware and demand less of your system.

The scene loads fine on my ancient laptop, and it’s not particularly heavy, no subsurf modifiers – but I have 16GB RAM. I can’t check how much memory your actual scene uses because the textures aren’t packed (and textures can take up a lot of space).

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I don’t get it…what is a “Swap”? Plus, trying to tweak the RAM might cause the laptop to crash…yep…I tried to allocate more RAM to blender and the laptop went completely unresponsive.

Many people suggest going back to older blender versions…but I personally think it’s inconvenient…since I can’t move the blender 3.3 projects to blender 2.9
Adding more RAM might be the solution.
Does anyone know how to tweak Blender settings instead of the laptop’s settings?

and yes…blender used to work perfectly with more sophisticated projects…that’s why I reported it as a blender bug

The memory usage can differ between versions. That’s not unusual.

To me, it is a bit disrespectful to report bugs which are most likely caused by your lack of RAM. You know that your computer specification is way below the minimum requirement!

Edit: At the very least, you should clearly point that out in your bug report.


As I said like ten times…I know that the problem is not in my PCs RAM…Cuz as I said blender was working perfectly with the same exact RAM (With complex projects, too)…nothing has changed. So I think there’s no disrespect to the community. (And Note that the blender support community actually considered the bug request and requested more info on the issue…that explains that it’s not me playing around reporting bugs (although sometimes I’m mistaken bugs for faults…for sure))

You could try to provide the crash logs as requested in the report. That would be valuable for the report.

Plus, I found a problem which caused a large part of the issue
(Not fully solved…but made the program start-up slightly faster)
One issue had to do with, guess what, ADD-ONs! (Clearly not my Laptop RAM until now.)
One add-on took long to load and was slowing the program down…when I disabled them…things got slightly better…
That made me think again whether it was my laptop’s RAM or actually a bug (Like the ADD-On bug which made the add-on take time to load)