Blender crashing unnecessarily/ unexpectedly/ frequently/ no apparent reason until now

The title explains a lot…I even tried relocating the RAM of the whole pc to Blender but that just crashed the whole thing
Any suggestions?
I’ll also report it as a bug…anyone with me?
anyone facing the same issue in Blender 3.0?
Thanks a lot

We can discuss here!

What are you doing when it crashes?

How much RAM do you have?

I reported the full details here

The laptop is 4GB ram

this looks like it should be in the support forum.

also its a little unclear, your first post mentions blender 3.0 and your bug report mentions blender 3.3. you also list your graphics card as an intel i3, but then later in the description mention an rtx 3090.

my guess would be there isn’t a blender bug here. if you switched versions of blender, or ran any recent system updates that could have modified your graphics drivers, there might be an incompatibility that’s arisen somewhere. also things to look for are any newly installed add-ons that could be causing instability. generally your test scene opens fine (textures weren’t packed, though, so there’s no way to determine if they were causing any issues).

maybe also download the latest version of blender to see if you’re having the same issues.

good luck!

It’s more than likely that you’re just running out of RAM, as 4GB is very little these days.

Open task manager when using Blender, and keep an eye on RAM usage. If you want to reduce RAM usage, then you can reduce texture resolution, and the density of geometry. If using the Subsurf modifier on any of your models, you can try turning the level down. Generally, you rarely need more than 2 levels of subsurf.

It’s possible to model with 4Gb of RAM, but doing more than that seems challenging.
Lack of RAM is also the cause of an unexpected blender shutdown.

Hardware Requirements

64-bit quad core CPU with SSE2 support
Full HD display
Mouse, trackpad or pen+tablet
Graphics card with 2 GB RAM, OpenGL 4.3
Less than 10 year old

64-bit eight core CPU
2560×1440 display
Three button mouse or pen+tablet
Graphics card with 8 GB RAM

Requirements —

Personally, blender 2.79 to use a laptop with low specifications.I use

Nonono…you got me wrong

I was telling the support team that they shouldn’t try the issue on their PCs since it won’t be fair

I tweaked the ram and even gave blender more ram (High priority in the task manager)
That nearly crashed the PC lol

I know I’ll sound ridiculous but I do not usually care about min. requirements since they aren’t usually accurate and I can run the program smoothly on my laptop (I even downloaded UE4 on this laptop and works)
Blender was working more than good…that’s why I’m reporting it as a technical issue since it’s abnormal.

Yes, that’s what I was talking about…tweaking the settings and modifiers…so If anyone has more advice like this one pls list it

Note that what I usually model aren’t low poly models…they usually complex and, finally, rendered…and there could be HDRIs in the project…

But if you only have 4GB, then that’s all Blender, and your system can use, which is why when it reaches that limit, it’ll crash.

Open your scene in Blender, and tell me how much RAM your system is using.

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U believe that in the task manager the “Memory” tab shows the consumed RAM…which means…that right now…blender is not open…80~90% of the memory is used up…(Mostly by google) But keep in mind that upgrading or adding more RAM or adding performance card (Upgrading the PC, etc.) may not be an option
That’s why I’m looking for software solutions

If you don’t have enough RAM for Blender with that particular scene, the software solution you are looking for is another application which uses less RAM or maybe Blender 2.79.
There is no software solution to magically provide more RAM or that an existing application magically uses less RAM.

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can’t you just download more RAM? >grins<

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That’s kind of what it sounds to me like.

But, I understand the frustration when you want to do something and it doesn’t work because of hardware limitations. Unfortunately, there is usually no solution to that, except for trying to work around it.

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