Blender cycles first frame

Blender doesn’t render sequences of images, only 1 frame. Rendering in video format works normally.

That problem is new to me. What version you are using, What format you are rendering in, and I assume you are selecting “render animation”, not “render”? And you have set the proper start and end frames? Or perhaps you are out of memory?

One other things that occurs to me…Have you tried turning the render samples down to a low number? Maybe your render samples are just too high and causing things to slow or shut down?

Yes, everything is as low as possible

Rendering a sequence of png images. Everything set up correctly

FFmpeg Video> Render animation works normally.

Try setting the frame range from 1-3 and see what happens. If it’s a memory issue that might provide a clue.

here are a couple of suggestions from reddit:


Can you post an image of your image output settings?

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A screenshot of the command console after you attempt to render the anim might also be helpful.

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I’ve done everything and no solution. I’m giving up, but thanks for your help.

Keep checking back. Someone knows the answer.

Would you be willing to upload the file? You could strip it of any object or texture you don’t want to give away and post it here so we can look at the settings.

It only loads one frame when rendering any project in Image Sequence, it only renders 1 frame.

Those specific settings don’t have anything that would cause this problem. This does not look like something obvious at a glance. I would have to see the file.

I couldn’t attach the direct file

Maybe try appending your animation into a new scene


Well, that’s weird, the image sequence renders just fine on my side. The only things that would be different are the output path which I had to set to a location on my computer and the textures that are missing. Unless one of those elements is in cause, it seems this is a legit bug and not something you did wrong.

I have the exact same problem. Regardless of settings, only the first frame renders for each frame. This is why I hate animating. It seems like Blender is constantly fighting you.

Try using the Render Menu - Render Animation instead of using the shortcut “Ctrl F12”

I have problems with that shortcut.

No effect. I get the first frame for every frame.