Blender Cycles Physically Accurate PBR Node Shader.

Hey All! I’m here to show you my Physically Accurate PBR Node setup for Blender Cycles.


With this add-on you can just plug-in your maps and tweak a few settings so you don’t have to mess around with nodes again for accurate results!


As you can see after you plug in your textures the only settings you will have to tweak are Reflectance, Fresnel IQR, AO Amount and Normal Strength. With Reflectance a number between 0-1 will make it more reflective, and numbers greater than 1 will make it less.

If you would like this product check out this page! To get it you can enter in however much you would like to pay for it!

Hey All! I’m here to show you my Physically Accurate PBR Node setup for Blender Cycles.

With this add-on you can just plug-in your maps and tweak a few settings so you don’t have to mess around with nodes again for accurate results!

As you can see after you plug in your textures the only settings you will have to tweak are Reflectance, Fresnel IQR, AO Amount and Normal Strength. With Reflectance a number between 0-1 will make it more reflective, and numbers greater than 1 will make it less.

If you would like this product check out this page! To get it you can enter in however much you would like to pay for it!


Interesting, but your images aren’t showing.
I think you should also do a tutorial to explain how everything works. It looks fairly simple but for example I don’t get what the Reflectance value does even after trying to play around with it.
My impression is that on the metallic side things look quite good, but the dielectric material that your shader produces aren’t very convincing and I cannot get strong reflection … but again maybe I don’t get how it’s supposed to work.

Is this shader using a mixture of specular and metallic workflow? As ToshiCG said it is not clear what every slider does.
I don’t get why you multiply reflectance and roughness? Marmoset says the folllowing about reflectivity:

Reflectivity is the percentage of light a surface reflects. All types of reflectivity (aka base reflectivity or F0) inputs, including specular, metalness, and IOR, define how reflective a surface is when viewing head on, while Fresnel defines how reflective a surface is at grazing angles.

So Reflectance should also have an influence on fresnel and metallness.

I spottet a second problem. You use the builtin fresnel node that is not that good. CynicatPro did excellent tutorials on fresnel and pbr shaders…

I like where this is going. Now that every other app uses PBR, it’s always difficult to work in blender not being able to see what your model really looks like.

This being a cycles thing, I probably won’t use it, but still, It’s a wonderful step you’ve taken towards making our lives easier.

Thank you texasfunk !
Right now I’m using the one from MattRM but I will try yours too :slight_smile:

No problem! I hope you all find this useful.


Basically for the reflectance value I put that there because I wasn’t getting the as much reflectivity as I wanted from the roughness map. I put it there for further tweaking. Values between 0 and the default 1 will make it more reflective, as a number above one will make it less. And I am using a mix of the specular and metallic work-flow so you can use either one when you need too.

Moderation: I’ve merged the two duplicate threads into one.

Looking really useful! However, I can’t get it to work - normal and specular maps don’t show, strength slider’s don’t work. Albedo works.

I did it exactly as pictured…

Thanks for any input!

This is a Cycles node and therefore you need to set the viewport to “rendered” :wink:

Looks like many get confused with:

  1. Realtime PBR viewport shaders

  2. Render time PBR based shader nodes

Yes! Whenever I hear PBR, I think real-time, so that explains it.

maybe im wrong here but wasnt AO not a fake thing, what looks nice but doesnt exist in the real world ?
always thought it was a CG trick to give inward corners on models some extra darkening, to express a bit more depth.
strictly speaking that isnt PBR i think, but a nice to have extra (non realistic)

That’s correct, it’s a sort of approximation of indirect shadows meant to pair with an ambient light source. Cycles solves indirect shadows directly like all path tracers do, and it does not have an ambient light object (world is an infinite 360º lamp. It doesn’t cast ambient light, it casts direct light inward from all directions). Having AO anyway can be a nice look, but it is not calculating anything real and adds calculation overhead. You shouldn’t use it in a photoreal shader unless you have a specific reason to get a specific look.

Everyone should read this:

Updated the shader, if you downloaded it before you should receive an email from Gumroad. Hopefully it’s my last update and thanks to you all who helped me improve the shader!